Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sway With Me

When you live in the Midwest in the dead of January and February, a cruise on the Royal Caribbean can be a daily dream. On our 25th Anniversary, we did just that...made our dream a reality. OK, I was a couple years late...but it was worth enjoying the Silver Anniversary on our 27th year of marital bliss.

I am married to a romantic. She loves to dance.

She is married to a romantic. He cannot dance.

Each evening of our cruise we would go to a piano bar to be entertained by a fantastic band that played memorable tunes that inspired many to get on their feet and sway. And sway they did! These old timers knew every step in the book, and glided across the hardwood floor with ease in perfect harmony and rhythm with one another as the piano man stroked the ivories and as the sax man blew his eyeballs into his cheeks. My Love would take me by the hand, escorting me to the dance floor and off we would go!

We were so impressive that many stopped to look. It was a stunning sight, really. After a few words of sympathy to my bride, she was being swept off her feet by a 'pro' while I was being schooled by a very patient grandmother in the art of the two step. Charlette swayed. I stumbled. It was a perfect night! As a matter of fact, we strung about five of those perfect nights together at the same piano bar as the more and more folk came to dance with Charlette while I sipped on Diet Cokes into the midnight hours applauding the amazing ability and charm of my woman. My girl knows how to sway! The frustrating thing was not that I could not, but that we had taken lessons together during our morning dance clinic...and still I could not master the art of the 'Sway'.

"Who do people say the Son of Man is?" Matthew 16:13

Jesus quizzed His disciples with a strange question. In the midst of the obvious with all the miracles, the extracted demons, the feeding of the thousands and even the raising of the dead, you would think that they of all would 'get it'. Peter busted out with what we call a 'confession'; "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." While others were moving in rhythm with the skeptics and the naysayers, Peter got it. He was not swayed to think the Son of the Living God was to be regarded with the greats like John the Baptist, Jeremiah or the revered was much more than these amazing men. Peter was convinced, so much so that Jesus responded...

"Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hades will not overcome it."

He said that Peter could build upon Himself as the 'Rock'. The Psalmist said the same time and again; "He set my feet upon a rock and gave me a firm place to stand," (Psalm 40:2). "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge," (Psalm 18:2). In other words, in a culture that is easily 'swayed', there is a security upon which certainty stands and upon which our lives can be built with absolute confidence. To build on anything else than The Rock invites disaster, (see Matthew 7:24-27).

On November 4 our nation will choose a new President, Congress and Senate. States will elect new legislators and accept or reject ballot propositions and initiatives that will move us into a future that will seemingly 'pioneer'. We have been bombarded with enticements, pledges, promises, guarantees and action plans that will offer to the burdened, relief; the sick, care; the indebted, protection; the hungry, food; the middle class, wealth. We need 'change' is the cry of Presidential candidates and others who hope to represent you.

Don't be so easily swayed! Think Biblically. Seek the face of God. Get alone before the Lord and examine the agendas of each candidate and make your decision in light of His eternal life giving principles that have stood the test of time and have nothing less than blessing attached to them. No candidate can solve the problems that our nation faces apart from God. We need divine intervention before the Electoral College casts their final ballots. When unborn children will continue to be exterminated, when indebtedness will be addressed by more indebtedness, when associations that impact policy seem meaningless, when suspect character is ignored, when marriage is being redefined, when casinos fund our educational system and when half of your parent's life savings will be taken by the Feds after the Death Certificate clears...this is not the time to 'sway'!

Micheal Buble chorus to 'Sway With Me' comes to mind in this election cycle;

'Like the flower bending in the breeze,
Bend with me, sway with ease,
When we dance you have a way with me,
Stay with me, sway with me.'

Oh yes, the 'mamba rhythms' of the politico are in full swing in 2008. Don't bend with the cultural breeze or be easily swayed by emotion, need, frustration or even broken promises. Decide that your vote will honor Christ as Lord and will be offered as your pledge of being rock solid, Christ centered, Biblically responsible citizen of the United States of America.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

God or Google

What you believe matters. Why you believe it matters too.

Just the other day the Family Research Council reported that Rick Warren, author of the infamous, Purpose Driven Life released an endorsement of Proposition 8 that is on the California ballot next Tuesday. This initiative supports the traditional (and Biblical) view of marriage that unites one man to one woman. Rick says that not only is this a Biblical view of marriage from the One who made marriage, but that it is an historical reality in every culture and every religion for the past 5,000 plus years.

In response, tech heavyweights, Apple and Google have joined with Levi and others to underwrite the cost of waging an ad campaign in support of the redefinition of marriage. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been invested in defeating Prop 8 by these mega corporations. The church and believers are being strongly challenged by a well funded opposition that many would think are run by geniuses. Looks like God and Google are in a fight in California...with more contests to follow!

Warren's endorsement to California voters is a response to the cultural climate and the re-defining State Supreme Court that struck down the electorate that has already voted is support of a marriage protection initiative in the last election cycle. So much for a government 'of the people, for the people and by the people', right? Who would have thought that marriage would be such a hotly contested issue just 25 years ago? Same sex unions in California and Massachusetts have indeed impacted the re-definition of marriage from sea to shining sea. The 21st Century is ushering in a world view that de-values marriage, erodes families and weakens the state of the 'Union' God has expressly instituted for the well being of men, women, children and society.

What's a values voter to do?

Jesus said it like this as He re-stated God's timeless definition of marriage:

"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. What God has joined together, let not man separate." Mark 10:7-9

Just last weekend I officiated the wedding ceremony of a wonderful couple who are building their new household upon the bedrock foundation of the Master Marriage Builder. This Saturday, I will do the same for another precious bride and her man. Each time I stand at the altar before such amazing people, I am humbled by the Creative Wonder of the Divine Match Maker. Watching the initial steps that lead to the blending together of one man and one woman in covenant love to one another and God brings tears to my eyes as well as the mother of the bride! It is a precious, holy and sacred that belongs to one man for his only woman, and that woman to her only man.

When you walk into the ballot booth next Tuesday...pray first. Ask the God of the Bible to speak deeply to your spirit so that as you punch your chad, (remember to press hard!) you vote only for those candidates and propositions that reflect the values of the Book that rests on your nightstand and speaks truth to your heart and our nation. Stand with Rick Warren and millions of others who are have tasted of the mercy of God and are willing to speak publicly and vote privately in favor of virtue and righteousness.