Thursday, February 9, 2012

Losing It?

 "Slacker Andy" was the real hit of Sunday night's Super Bowl Halftime.
In just 30 seconds, Andy Lewis jumped and flipped around on a tightrope without ANY safeguards while Madonna and Company became HIS backup stage performers.  111.3 million viewers watched in amazement as Slacker Andy did his toga bouncing with fearless precision.  Andy became an overnight sensation.  His YouTube video view count went viral and offers from huckamucks poured in like Niagara Falls on steroids.
"I started slacklining in 2004, it was my favorite hobby in 2005, my lifestyle in 2006, and since then has pretty much absorbed me entirely." 
Talk about a laser type focus!  Andy is way committed and fully invested in his slacklining.  It's no wonder that the man is beyond astonishing.  
Whenever you say "Yes" to your focus, you are also saying "No" to competing distractions.  When it comes to making money, courtship, parenting or gator catching, intentional personal discipline to stay the course corrals effort and energy alike for a single life pursuit.  We applaud those whose 30 seconds (or 8 seconds if you ride bulls), elevates the once obscured to the globally acclaimed.  We award and gawk over those who have lived out our secret dreams.  
In the Bible, "self-control" is a character quality of those who have a "soul" desire.  So many things are important.  Many others are just plain fun.  To the spiritually self-controlled, the laser focus of life is to cultivate and know more deeply the heart of God, and then to get in on His agenda.  To be distracted or to go off road is simply not an option.  That makes what you do the servant of Whose you are.  I have gone spiritually off road more than a few times, permitting my faith and loyalty in Christ to be compromised by discouragement, offence, or even just plain laziness.  
"The end of all things is near.  Therefore, be clear-minded and self-controlled so that you can pray."  (1Peter 4:7).   "Make every effort to add...self-control...possessing this quality in increasing measure." (2 Peter 1:6-8).  We can be assured that we are making sustained, viable spiritual progress we prioritize our relationship with the Father and trust Him for every concern and need as a result.  As I read the Bible, I am even more amazed with those whose lives are marked by an uncompromising loyalty to Jesus.  
I admire folk whose commitment to a single focus point makes them both excellent and expert in their passion.  I admire and respect those whose single-minded pursuit of cultivating a life pleasing to God is primary and without question.  I desire to emulate the ladder while congratulating the former.  Be determined to make your spiritual life your primary life focus.  Use the 40 Day Personal Growth Plan located at as a guide for your developing spiritual passion.  
Andy is my kind of guy.  Love his slacklining passion and excellence!  That Brit Chick, M.I.A. with her obscene gesture during that very same Halftime performance...well, she lost all control.  Years from now, Andy will still be celebrated, while M.I.A. will be, well...M.I.A.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Reverse Intimidation

Andre' Rene' Roussemoff weighed in at 240 pounds on his 12th birthday.

He suffered from what has been scientifically labeled as "acromegaly", a genetic disorder that hyper graduates growth. Andre'grew into his adult seven foot four inch frame, his weight fluctuating between 475 to 540 pounds upon arrival into his full manhood. He became the global wrestling icon, "Andre' the Giant" and was hyped as the "Babyfaced Monster".

Andre', simply put, was a massive human being. His opponents were dwarfed in comparison to his physical huge-ness. Once the bell rung, the beat down was on as the Giant took over!

Intimidation can be packaged in all kinds of ways. Imposing oneself upon the weakness, inadequacy or easily over-matched is happening right now in a marriage somewhere. A brow beating husband bullies his wife. An over the top Mom is forcing her will and interests upon a seemingly unmotivated young child. In the workplace today, a manager strong arms a subordinate team member with body language sending the message; "Remember who is in charge here...". A Shift Supervisor will curse in disgust, shaming the laborer whose mistake has just been magnified 100 times beyond necessary. If you have ever raised your voice, you know the intent of your volume adjustment. Get your point across forcefully and with prowess. Put the intimidation factor in play and you are in control.

It feels pretty good unless you are the one being intimidated and controlled!

The God of the Bible does not use intimidation as an attention grabber. He has a greater, more convincing approach; gentleness. Jesus said of Himself that He was 'gentle', which made Him approachable, (Matthew 11:28-29). God is NOT bombastic. He is majestic, mighty, awesome and holy, yet He appeals to you and I by entreating us with His gentleness. The term itself does not emasculate the God of the Bible into some sort of weak-willed Deity. In exercising His gentleness, we realize that He willingly constrains His justice to extend His mercy. In spite of knowing our inadequacies, shortcomings and full scale nastiness, the Heavenly Father chooses not to treat us as our sins deserve.

He has the power and the reasons to do so, but instead chooses to multiply His kindnesses to us.

"Gentleness" is one of the evidences of the Father's operation in your life, developing your character to align with His. Galatians 5:22-23 provides us with His list of spiritually induced character qualities and essentials that define those who bear His name; "Christian". When you are growing in gentleness;

You willingly wait rather than force your will on others,
You withhold judgment and prefer to extend mercy,
You voluntarily restrain yourself from playing the "Authority Card",
You consider God's gentleness with you before you say a word.

Andre' the Giant was known for being a gentle soul. He used his brut force peddling the drama of professional wrestling, but beyond that, was not known as an intimidator. Real giants could use an Andre' sized dose of gentleness as described in Galatians 5:22-23.

If this is an area of you life that needs some adjustments, visit and get in on our 40 Day Personal Growth Plan. When you plan to will!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's All Good

"Am I a good man?"

The scene is Normandy Beach in France.  The now aged Private James Francis Ryan kneels at the gravesite of Captain John Miller pondering the worth of his life.  It was Captain Miller who found the lone surviving Ryan son/brother in Spielberg's epic, "Saving Private Ryan". Through the sacrifice of his life and others, Captain Miller secured for James a future that he and his comrades would never personally realize.

Contemplating his life now mostly lived the former Private recalls the heroism that insured his life and the Ryan surname.  "Am I a good man?"

Great question.  I have asked myself that very question.  You probably have as well.  What ultimately makes a person "good"?  Who decides what "good" is?  Others?  Your Mama?  Friends, your boss, the Sheriff or maybe the IRS, right?

In the Bible, "good" is external expression of an internal kindness.  It is more than feeling pity, or being emotionally charged with compassion or well meaning intent.  The reason that the young, wealthy decision maker rushed to Jesus for answers was because he was convinced of His true identity by what He did; "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"(Read Mark 9:17-22 for the details.).   Goodness is spiritual virtue applied.  It is the character of Christ-likeness that oozes out of a believers lifestyle by tangible acts prompted by godly desire.  "Therefore, as we have opportunity, we must work for the good of all." (Galatians 6:10).  The goodness of the Heavenly Father emanates from the life of the serious minded Christ follower to as those whose life he/she intersects with or is attached to.  You know you are a "Do Good-er" when:    

  • When you want to bless more than be blessed.       
  • When your internal desire to make a difference really makes a difference.      
  • When His Spirit affirms your motives and your actions toward others.      
  • When your goodness extends the Father's reputation as the Ultimate Good God. 
Think of the multiple ways that you are experiencing God's goodness right now.  He doesn't have to bless you...He wants to!  When you determine to grow in goodness, you will want to bless others as well.  Start simple.  Are you good to your spouse?  How about the kids and grand kids?  Are you expressing goodness or contempt at the workplace or in the neighbors?

Plan to grow in the spiritual inventory that describes an obvious progress maker in matters spiritual according to Galatians 5:22-23).  Go to and take the 40 Day Personal Growth Challenge that is designed to bring even more of God's goodness into your life.  When the time comes for you to look backwards and self-evaluate, you could be able to honestly celebrate God's goodness toward you and having operated through you in blessing others.

Your life story could be just as epic!  Make sure it is.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bad to the Bone

Read this bumper sticker many years ago; "Mean People &$@/#%^*". I bet you read it too.

I have to admit, I agree with this bumper sticker theology. Mean people repel me about as much as the sight and stench of Catfish Charlie, (only scum sucking bottom feeders could be baited by that stuff). Truthfully, I bet I have been like Catfish Charlie to many, many folk through the years. There is no upside to meanness. None.

"Bad" used to mean just that...BAD. I wonder if Michael Jackson can be credited with making bad, good. Folk want to be "bad" now. Bad is the new "good" and has been for some time. Kinda like your 40th Birthday is the the new 39. Rolling Stone Magazine said that Bad Company made great music back in the 70's. Muhammad Ali touted that he was a "Bad Man" after he put a beat down on then Heaveyweight Champion, Sonny Liston. The Marines say that they are looking for a few good men. We "send in the Marines" because they are the "baddest of the bad". If the Marines cross the border...not a good thing for the folk they all.

I realized the other day that God's kindness drove me to Him and still does. "Do you not know that the kindness of God is meant to lead you to repentance?" (Romans 2:4). When Peter (one tough Catfish Charlie type) realized Who Jesus really was, he fell to his face and worshiped Him. That happened after Jesus filled Pete's boat with more fish than the guys on Big Shrimpin. When Peter realized that was the recipient of God's unmeasured kindness, he dropped to his knees on the spot. Read Luke 5:1-8 and you will see what I mean.

"Let kindness and truth never leave you,(Proverbs 3:3). Some folk love to hit you with the Bible like a Sledgehammer. I guess they have this notion that the God of the Bible is one Bad Man. No wonder so many steer clear of Him and "His people" as much as possible. When His Spirit and truth are alive in you, you can see these evidences;

You will be kind instead of combative,
The inflection of your voice will be inviting,
Your disagreements won't become shouting matches,
You will trump injustice with grace,
Your acts of kindness will lead folk toward the Gospel, not from it.

It's really about spiritual character. Are you growing in God's kindness quotient? In the long run, your spouse, your kids, your work associates, classmates and fellow believers will respond more to you and to Jesus through kindness, not badness. Think about it the next time you feel compelled to put someone in their place. If the Heavenly Father treated you with anything less than His kindness...would you really want that?

Adopt a Personal Growth Plan and start today. Go to and jump into a 40 Day strategy that is being offered so that you can make marked spiritual and character gains in 2012.

And keep away from Catfish Charlie too!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fractions Frustrate

Math and me don't mix. Especially fractions, formulas and equations.

Back in the day (WAY back), my parents required all homework assignments be put on the stairs that led up to the bedroom that my brother and I shared in the 'loft'. It was the academic accountability system of the household. Dad interrupted my snoozing one night after having reviewed my math homework on fractions. My father was pretty sharp at the math thing and it became painfully obvious that I was not a young Einstein after glancing over my first ever assignment on fractions.

For the next hour or hours, Dad reviewed EVERY problem with me, patiently teaching me how to understand and figure out fractions. Not easy when you work plenty of overtime and have two other children to give attention to. The more Dad explained to me, the more I understood. The next day as my class graded our fraction homework, it was obvious who was the new class genius. When Dad came home that night from work, I told him that he got an 'A'! It was well deserved.

The more that I read my Bible, the more I am stunned at the patience of God. He lovingly waits for me to understand His heart and His ways. The Scripture says that His thoughts are not my thoughts, and His ways are not my ways. He is not talking smack on me, He is just telling me the truth and inviting me to catch on. He knows that will take time, and He patiently keeps teaching, encouraging and opening the eyes of my spiritual understanding.

"The Lord does not delay His promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

What an 'Ah hah' moment when we realize the incredible patience of the God of the Bible when it is applied to us. Patience is a character asset that He grows in those who walk in His ways. You can read God's character quality list in Galatians 5:22-23 and see patience listed on the depth chart at number four. When His patience is growing in you, you...

Listen more and talk less,
Do not trade insult for insult,
Wait rather than impetuously act,
Extend grace when offended,
Look for a future opportunity to bless.

At you can take advantage of a 40 Day Personal Growth Plan that is designed to encourage your spiritual progress with the Heavenly Father. When we set a growth plan in motion, you cannot help but make serious spiritual advances.

Dad patiently taught me quite a few things through those kid years. How to swing a golf club, take a jump shot, catch a curve ball, detail the car, clean the pool filter and solve fractions are just a few. I have a sense that he was pleased when I finally 'got it'.

God's patience turns to pleasure in those whose spiritual lights finally ignite after His tireless, multiplied overtures. His patience reveals the depth of His love toward you. Consider that the next time you are impatient with Him.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Don't Talk to Cats

Dogs listen. Cats could care less what you have to say.

That's why dogs have a way of comforting and cats have a way of irritating. When I call the family dog with the "Let's go outside!"' he streaks to the door. The cat looks as if I just dissed him when I make the exact same offer to him.

Maybe it's just me, but I think our pooch is quite sensitive. He can tell when I am happy. I swear that he can sure tell when I am uneasy, stressed or just plain sad. Coco (Mama named him cause he is a bichon frise and looks like a girly dog)is to us what comfort food is midnight snack lover. He knows when to put the puppy eyes on and make you forget what troubles you. When the feline puts the cat eyes on me, that's NEVER a good thing!

Jesus said; "Blessed are the peacemakers"(Matthew 5:9). Life sometimes has its agitations and agitators. To be numbered among those who are passageways through troubled waters for those in the midst of tough times is a high compliment coming from the ultimate Peacemaker. Folks who have the ability and the want to calm when emotional, relational or financial storms are swirling all around, are at a premium. This kind of person, like a thoughtful bichon, are a rare breed.

Being a peacemaker is really about character, not about diplomacy. Experiencing peace should be pre-requisite for those attempting to engineer peace for people whose stomachs are being twisted into knots by circumstantial anxiety or relational agony. "Peace" is one of nine spiritually induced character qualities that is the result of a life that is being transformed by the God of the Bible. Peace is not cowardice, but it is a settled, confident rest that is the outcome of a life enjoying the Lordship of Jesus.

Are you embattled? You can experience real peace personally. You can initiate lasting peace relationally. You can grow in peace intentionally. Learn more at Go to the 40 Day Personal Growth Plan and take steps to experience the life you've always wanted in 2012.

Talk to your dog. He gets you. The cat? Don't waste your time.