Monday, December 29, 2008


Dan Baker is the Co-President of the Wisconsin based Freedom From Religion Foundation which has been responsible for the placement of the Winter Solstice sign at the Washington State Capital that in part reads...

"May reason prevail...

There are no gods,
no devils or angels,
no heaven and hell.

There is only our natural world.
Religion is but myth and superstition
that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

What makes this presentation so attention grabbing is that it has been placed directly next to the Nativity Scene that recognizes and celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. To Dan, its an 'equal rights' type of thing. According to his 'reason', there are so many religions, (all of them harmful and ignorant) that there must be a place for agnostics and atheists to make expression of their disbelief. What better time than Christmas and what better place than directly alongside the Nativity Scene? A stroke of genuis for sure by those pledged to secularism!

Marketing unbelief in a season devoted to those whose faith is in Christ as Messiah is pretty much an 'in your face' tactic. Secularists, like many religionists can be people of indescribable charm.

Dan is right on some counts, and Christians need to be on full alert.

It is true that December 21 or 22 is when the Winter Solstice normally occurs over the Northern Hemisphere. This is the result of the 23.5 degree tilt of the earth spinning upon its axis toward the plane of its rotation, (all the while making its rotation about the sun). Because of all these agreeing and delicately balanced factors, (this is where you have to debunk your faith and trust in the logic of reason), our Hemisphere receives less direct sunlight which creates winter as well as the shortest day and the longest night of the year.

Our present day Christmas focus of December 25 came from the Roman holiday known as Saturnalia. This holiday celebrated the birthday of the unconquered sun, (Saturn) and began each December around the 19th of the month. Seven days of unrestrained revelry ensued. Many of the Christmas traditions we celebrate today have their origins in these quite pagan customs, (aren't you glad I waited until Christmas came and went before I spoiled it for you?). Feasting, parades, gift giving, special music, candlelighting, green trees and other traditions originated with the 'Saturnalia Solstice' so to speak. As Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, Emperor Constantine declared Christ's birthday an official Roman holiday, December 25th being the date of choice.

Christians kind of 'baptized' Saturnalia in an attempt to trump the season with Christ rather than align with pagan practice and custom. Many Christians at the time of Constantine to this present day have refused to honor December 25th as 'Christmas' as the designated birthday of Jesus because of the history of 'Christmas'.

"The chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus..." Luke 22:2

Dr. Dan is smart enough to know that he is not the first one to come along and feel the threat of a coming Messiah. Even the ancient King Herod did all that he could to eradicate the possibility that there was truly a God worthy of worship that was not himself. That is why he had so many innocents slaughtered in the regions of Ramah (Matthew 2:18) seeking to depose a King who had yet to be discovered and receieved.

Christians do not need Christmas to celebrate the Advent of Christ as Messiah, King and Savior. It is nice, but not necessary. Christians do not need to be daunted by the Equal Rights advocates that trash Christmas and every good, worthy, and spiritual focus that leads all to recognize and reflect upon God's gift to the world through His Son, Jesus the Christ. Like many others, I am offended that people of no faith have a need to use the season of faith to market their agenda of Christ rejection. Yet, this affords opportunity to open the message of Christmas more fully in Washington State and beyond as well as days and months after the holiday has been celebrated.

Your life in Christ is the full time announcement on a daily basis that He is Who He says He is, a Grace Giving Savior and a Life Changing Lord. That is a truth that just confounds logic!

Weight Lifting

Have you ever walked with a slump?

I used to...maybe sometimes still do. A friend in college pointed this out to me once he had my attention off of my shoes and locked on to his words on my way to class one day. He was not a close buddy or a room mate, but a friend who took notice of the chagrined way that I lumbered around campus day after day. For some odd reason...I never walked with my face up...always face down, always.

Tom did me a favor that day. I started to consciously look up when I walked the concrete or the halls. When I did that, I saw so clouds, trees, directional signs, campus promotions, artwork and...people. I saw faces that smiled at me. I saw women that attracted me. I saw friends who greeted me. I saw professors who chatted with me. I even saw exam scores posted with the latest grades from the day before.

Amazing what and who you can see when you look up!

I reflected on my 'look down' lifestyle and wondered why I had drifted into that slumping daily routine. Reality Check Answer: I was 'weighted down' with all sorts of 'stuff', and my walk told the deeper story of my heart. What had so burdened me I wondered? Why had I allowed myself to take such a beat down? I unpacked my 'stuff'. It took more than an afternoon, but I began the long process of releasing the burden of my failures, disappointments, rejections and past history to God. I took my eyes off of my shoes for a change...and the view was so much better!

"Be careful, or your hearts will be weighted down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close in on you like a trap." Luke 21:34

I really was not wasting away or getting loaded to forget my ills (I had so few as a young man). But, those 'anxieties of life'...that was totally another story for me. Like many, practical concerns took their toll. I had no cash to pay my way through college much less a car or the gas money to bum a ride back home to see the folks from time to time. When the buds went for a Whataburger, I made lame excuses as to why I had to stay behind while my mouth watered at the thought of a midnight chocolate shake! I was not much for dating and it was not for lack of interest...maybe lack of social skills or rhythm, and that became a monster challenge for me. Above all, I was concerned about my future...very concerned. I knew that I specific calling from God...but at that time...I had none of the 'specifics', and that alarmed me for sure.

When I determined to quit looking at my shoes, I began to look up. I looked above the building of my university into the skies. At night I would sneak out to the other side of the cafeteria and lay on the slope alone under the bright southern stars, my Bible my only companion. I did not 'see' God, but I did notice more than a few things that He brought to my attention about Himself. When I stopped looking at my shoes and the corresponding load that made my shoulders slump downward, He lifted the weights of anxiety and replaced them with joy after joy, time after time. I was still broke, but in Him I was rich. I was still taken back by a lady from time to time, but I learned how to make conversation and friends by His grace, (and He gave me quite a gal on top of that for sure!). I still was uncertain about my future, but now I was on His agenda and not mine so that was His concern not mine!

30 years later I walk with my head up. There have been times that I have picked up the 'stuff' again...and new 'stuff' too...but when He calls that to my attention, I unload that backpack in a short hurry and keep my eyes raised. When Jesus said;

"Always be on the watch and pray." Luke 21:36

He was talking about His coming again. He will come again. He said He would the first time, (we call it Christmas) and He followed through, so I know that He makes promises to keep them! I don't want to miss a single nano-second of His invitation to join Him in His heaven. Had not the weight been lifted, I may have been staring at my shoes and missed the greatest promise and hope fulfilled of all time.

The Christ of Christmas is the Ultimate Weight Lifter. That's a fact.

Bling Bling

Oh, to be recognized!

There has to be a shortage of precious metals in the world for all the awards that are going around. From The People's Choice Awards to the CMA Awards, to the Emmy, the Tony and the Oscars, and even that Ballroom Trophy for the 'star' dancers on 'Dancing with the Stars'...there is some serious celebrating going on for the amazing feats of celebrity excellence in music, songwriting, acting, dancing, directing, producing, animating...and the list goes on and on and on and on and....

Some folk are so intriguing that in the blur of the digital flash, they walk a Red Carpet, (well, actually they stop and pose just a tad along the Trail of Honor) protected by their entourage, escorted by the infamous and drooled over by those on the other side of the restraining ropes. These people are among the undisputed beautiful, stunning, glamorous, talented, and envied. They turn heads by their mere presence. These are just the celebs, too! Add to that the athlete, the politician among the adored and you can well see the impact of center stage upon those on it and those desiring it.

Before you think me to be biting sour grapes, I have to admit that I can get a bit silly at the 'K' during a Royals game. You can get on the gi-normous Jumbo Tron that way! I am still waiting for that "Kiss Cam" thing to point my way so that I can plant a big one on the wife for the other 240 folk at the ballpark to see and celebrate. That day (when it comes) will live in infamy as far as I am concerned!

"They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted at the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets." Luke 20:46

You might be interested in who Jesus speaks these words to. They are the most 'religious' sort on the planet. They oozed importance and spirituality, yet they reeked of shallow piety, insincerity and outright hypocrisy. They quoted Scripture, explained it to the letter and would even let out some intercessory 'bling' on the public stage of self-absorbed prayer for the needy. It was a 'righteous' sort of snobbery, the kind of which they themselves were absolutely blind to as they proudly advanced the agenda of the Almighty among the serfs.

Post Christmas reflection is a good annual practice for the 'spiritual' and the nonspiritual.

Rather than the Christ of Christmas being the center of our celebrations, this is the season that if we are not careful, could easily center around advancing our lifestyles...robed in self-righteousness or in the latest fashions from Macy's, The Buckle or Express, that in truth accentuate self. The sentimentality of being 'home for Christmas' can actually mar the true reason for the season. Nothing wrong with Frosty, Rudolph, and Santa, (please don't take me as the Grinch), but Christmas without Christ is really not Christmas...or is it?

When Jesus arrived as the Promised Messiah, no red carpet, national text message, Internet news alert, or really much fuss. A homeless family with no place but a barn to deliver the Christ found themselves surrounded not by anxiously waiting family or municipal officials, just cows and donkeys. Only the scent of putrid stable animals greeted the King of kings and Lord of lords. Nothing posh in the least. No extravagance to mention. Really, a dangerous, unsanitary, mice infested stable...a feeding trough for a cradle...this was the designated place for Messiah to be born into the world. Seems so much less than we would tolerate for ourselves come to think of it.

So, when you think about God, Christ and have to be impressed that He would choose backstage rather than center stage.

Center stage happened at the Cross. No bling there, either...just His blood...'the precious blood of Christ', (1 Peter 1:19).

He is worthy of our utmost attention...the trail He walked was stained in red as well.


You know the song and the singer.

Aretha Franklin's 'Respect' is regarded as an all time favorite and an all time Rock classic from the 'Queen of Soul'. Franklin's 'Respect' has been voted as one of the Top 500 songs of all time. Billboard Magazine has recognized Franklin as the #1 Singer of pop history. No doubt, she has the R-E-S-P-E-C-T that she sang for and about!

The daughter of a Baptist minister in Detroit, Aretha had the 'gift' from the start. Celebrated as a singing herald with her nationally acclaimed preacher Dad, it seemed as though the Divine Providence had His hand of grace upon her from her very early years....until her parent's marriage first struggled and then failed. Franklin became a teenage mother at 14 and again at 16 and had seen her share of broken promises as well as dreams run aground. Some say that 'Respect' was a feminist response from a minority voice that had simply had 'enough' of being beaten down by men and culture.

"The the owner of the vineyard said, 'What shall I do? I will send my son, whom I love; perhaps they will respect him." Luke 19:13

This is the heart of a story told by Jesus to those who despised Him to the core. Veiled in the obvious, Jesus was referring to His Heavenly Father who had sent His very own Son into the world as Redeemer of Souls...only to be rejected, brutalized, humiliated and murdered. Jesus was making an announcement and a prediction. He pulled no punches that He was indeed the beloved sent by the Father to retrieve the produce of the vineyard that rightfully had been entrusted to the those who should have recognized Him. He also made it plain that He would not be joyfully received, but woefully treated instead.

For 'R-E-S-P-E-C-T'.

"The stone that the builders rejected has become the capstone." Luke 19:17

What does Christmas mean to you?

Now that another Christmas is 'in the books' did and do you treat God's 'beloved'? In all the decor, travel, gift wrap, gatherings, family photo shoots, Plaza walks, table games, face stuffing, Nativity Scenes and Christmas pageants...what about this Christmas made Christ the focus of your reverent acceptance of Jesus as Lord? Have you welcomed God's 'beloved' into your life and heart this Christmas? Have you received His gift of grace laden forgiveness that frees your soul from the weight of guilt and the regret of decisions past? The price that He paid to secure these and more for you deserves a little if not a lot of R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Aretha is said to have composed this song with a bit of a chip on her shoulder. She was deserving of some common appreciation for her love investment in her wayward and distracted man when all she was 'askin for was a little respect'. From her vantage point, he needed to 'find out what it (respect) means to me', and get on with the business of dishing out the R-E-S-P-E-C-T rather than dissing her with more D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

A thought...

Give the Son of the Man some R-E-S-P-E-C-T. He earned it. He deserves it.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Putting on the Polish

My father taught me how to polish my shoes when I was just a runt.

To this day, I take the laces out, rub the polish on just right, wait a few minutes, and buff those Bostonians until they shine like nobody's business. Dad taught me how to put the shine on my shoes. The Marines taught my sons how to do the same!

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life." Philippians 2:14-15

Want to be trendy? Want to make a fashion statement? Want to stand out a bit? Thinking about being 'different'?

Here's your chance.

Compliment, don't complain.

One of the personalized car tags that many Christians could aptly display on their ride is 'Critical'. Maybe 'Judgmental'. 'Mean' might fit some. 'Harsh' could work for many. Some believers justify their attitude under the guise of 'righteousness', but in fact, they have a point to make at the expense of someone who is 'deserving'. Even their outlook on life itself is muddied with complaint. Life is not a blessed journey, it is drudgery that leads to eternity...and let's get there in a hurry!

If there was ever a time or an opportunity for Christians to make a bold statement of the character of God, it is in these days of great uncertainty, job loss, war and global conflict. People need encouragement in the midst of the obvious losses that are being incurred by households, families, corporations and governments. That is not to say that tough times are not tough. That is not to say that losses are not real, jobs are not hard to find, and that holiday gift exchanges will not be severely is to say that in the midst of the present realities...there is Hope.

God communicates His hope through His people...people who suffer as do all the rest. People who hurt as are many. People who endure with absolute confidence that God is Who He says He is and this is our chance to pay closer attention to Him. He is offering grace and perspective that ascends beyond the temporal (although important...he knows that) to the ultimate. When in spite of insecurity, your life pronounces confidence, a message of His operations shine with a radiance that confounds...and brightens the way for others to journey into His presence.

Travel at the speed of light, (186,000 miles per second) at midnight on January 1, 2009 and you would pass Pluto and her sister moon in 5 hours and 31 minutes...still on January 1, 2009. You would be 3.5 billion miles to the outer limits of our solar system. Travel 5 additional years, and on April 19 you would reach Alpha Centuris A, the nearest star to our solar system some 25 trillion miles away and you would still be just beginning. You are still in the 'universe' amazing fact that stuns even the simple minded like me. In the midst of so many miles and light years, 'stars' shine brightly through the backdrop of darkened space.

You are nearer than that to your spouse and kids! You are much closer than that in your office, work space, classroom or dorm to others within your spheres of daily influence. YOU have the chance...the 'shine like a star in the universe' as you smile, speak, bless, encourage, compliment, stand up for, express care to and compassion on those who are suffering and many who are embittered because of their past or current life circumstances. That is the brilliance of your relationship with God. That is the power of His influence through you today if you so choose.

You can wear the tattered shoe or you can lay some shine on the tattered shoe! Choose the polish and walk in the light and with The Light.

Customer Service

How would you like being a customer service rep? The faint of heart need not apply for that undertaking.

Imagine being responsible to ease the frustration of a discontented client. You are the front line trouble shooter for the cable company whose service is being complained about...caller after caller. You field complaints for outages, missed appointments, faulty equipment, billing discrepancies, unqualified field techs and the lack of speed of your high speed connectivity...and the list goes on and on and the frustration goes up and up.

After 8 hours of offering comfort, assurance, remedy and problem solving, you take off the headset and gladly jump into your car to rest up in readiness for the avalanche of calls awaiting you the next day. Do you suppose that earfuls of daily gripes could jaundice your spirit and erode your hope to be nice to the cat once you step through the kitchen door? How could you possibly keep your attitude in check after being unjustly yelled at day after day?

Complaining for many is a way of life. That's just how they operate. They have a gripe about just about everything and everyone and every circumstance. There is no 'bright side' for them. There is no sense of hope. Relief is deserved and far removed. Their life stinks. Their marriage is awful. Their kids are dopes. Their health is in the pits. They have had too many birthdays. Their neighborhood is going to the dogs. Their co-workers are dummies. The weather is either too hot or too cold. They even point out that the Santa at the Mall is a 'fake'...they can tell by the beard or the less than plump tummy on the Toy Maker. They live in the Land of Complaint and they take 'Merry' out of Christmas every December.

AND...they really cast a long, dark shadow on those who are forced to relate to them and have no choice but to keep the 'headset' on continually.

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life." Philippians 2:14-15

Can you imagine a true to life oxymoron more devastating than a complaining Christian?

God says that a complaint ridden believer is lacking some, purity, faultlessness and intimacy with Him as Heavenly Father. Rather than standing out in stunning brilliance that reflects the nature and character of God and His grace in a world marred by disappointment, conflict, reversal, brokenness, selfishness and more...the complainer injures the message of the Good News through which redemption, hope and new life are broadcast from God Himself.

So, be careful today to pay attention to the silver lining God provides with most dark clouds. In the midst of threat, insult or stresses, determine that you so value your walk with God and your witness in this world that you will 'shine' where most choose to be extinguished.

You may be more of a Customer Service Rep than you think! Remember Who you 'Rep' for.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lost and Found

Look at most grocery store entrances and you might find a picture of a lost dog posted by an anxious owner in hopes of being reunited with his family treasure.

Detectives say that the first 24-48 hours are critical for those who are in search of a missing loved one. Hopes are dashed for the safe return of loved ones when a two day recovery period lapses. Is there anything more heart wrenching than parents overcome with grief during the frantic search of their missing child? Hardly.

Many of us will not be touched with the severity of these kinds of traumatic losses, (we should be thankful every day for such grace), but we know well the frustration of the hopeless search for a missing sock from the dryer. Ever lost your keys to the house, car or backyard shed? Just the other day I lost my blue tooth ear piece for my cell phone. From what I can remember, I went from the kitchen to the garage and into the more than 20-30 that short amount of time and space, I lost my gadget and am still amazed how that could ever have happened!

The custom of traveling families in the days of Christ was to move along toward home in caravans of people, family and friends alike. During the return trip from an annual celebration and observance of the Passover, Jesus' parents were confident that their young son was among the familiar faces of trusted fellow sojourners. After a day apart, they searched for their son, only to discover that he had never struck out with them for the return trip...

"The boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days, they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions." Luke 2:43, 46

Let that sink in for just a bit. Lost for day, three days to recover.

Think for a minute of how Mary and Joseph must have felt for those three long, arduous days. How many police reports did they file? How many times did they retrace their steps through the city? How many 'Lost Child' posters did they nail to street posts and hang in grocery store entrances? Do you think that they fretted? No doubt they were sweating bullets, blaming themselves, anxious to the gills...they had lost their son. They had lost the Son of God.

Many years ago in college I heard a noted pastor use this text to teach an incredible truth that has stuck with me to this day; "Miss Jesus for a day, it may take you three days to catch up!" He was speaking specifically about being too casual in my relationship with Christ, (I felt as though he was speaking directly to me!) and that the loss of one single day of non-communion might set me back three times over in regaining the precious communion forfeited by neglect.

I am not saying that Mary and Joseph neglected their son in the least. I am saying that I have tended to from time to time...abandoning the journey with Him, distracted by the crowds, the conversations, the meal time chatter and the sweat of the walk itself! When he was found, Jesus was exactly where he should have been. Mary and Joseph might have thought they they had been were they needed to be as well...but found out that they had been a bit mistaken.

If you sense that there is some distance between you and God, ask yourself how many days you have walked without paying close attention to who matters most. Hurry..catch up...He can be found...waiting for you in the very place you should have been in the first His side.

Monday, December 8, 2008

PT & Quals

I usually have to ask my Navy son what these initials and abbreviated words mean.

"PT" is "Physical Training". That means that you have to stay in shape! You have to run, exercise and stay fit to serve in the military. Makes sense to me. "Quals" is short for 'Qualifications'. In other words, according to your specific job, military personnel are required to aspire. You have to be stretching in your understanding of your job. You have to move toward improvement of your skills and making upward progress in your abilities.

With each, there are time limits. A specified amount of time encourages development as well as onward and upward motion.

Have you ever had the notion to quit? To me, strange is the person who loves training in the Gym, putting in the PT that brings them up to 'Qual'. I am guessing those are just a couple of reasons that I would not have made it through Boot Camp in any branch of the Armed Forces! I have heard the stories of my Navy son and my two former Marine sons of their experiences, and I would have probably been booted out of Boot Camp!

Do you sometimes struggle in your spiritual life, even to the point of contemplating 'chucking it'? Many have. What really interests me as a Christian is the downright challenge of spiritual progress. Forward motion is described by the Apostle Paul as 'straining toward what is ahead'. In another portion of Scripture he goes on to describe the intense nature of progressive Spiritual PT:

"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." 1 Corinthians 9:25

Paul would use the 'PT" Illustration time and time again to encourage serious minded Christians to make spiritual fitness and usefulness their continuing goal. He would use military terms to insist that those who follow Christ take their 'PT' seriously: "Ensure hardship with us like a good soldier of Jesus Christ," he wrote as Timothy's Personal Trainer (look at 2 Timothy 2:1-7 for more insight). Hardship, challenge, resistance, opposition, pain and even agony are all ingredients that combined result in a fully developed and godly man or woman. No shortcuts. No easy street. No route of least resistance. Uphill all the way.

So, as your week begins, expect challenge. There will be times for water breaks, cool downs and timeouts, but the champion that God is making in you as a testimony of His grace and power takes some priority setting on your part as well. Make up your mind that you will stay the course. When you think about it, Jesus did not cut corners to secure your redemption. No wonder that the writer of Hebrews described Him as the 'author and the perfecter of our faith', (Hebrews 12:2). The cost for Him in your behalf was the ultimate expression of courage, motivated by resolute love that assured your salvation, and your present and future victory.

So today, give thanks to God who gives you His victory and...

"Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58

Don't give up reading your Bible today. Don't give up on talking to your Heavenly Father and listening for His voice. Don't give up looking to Him whan you are under fire, when you face discouragement, when you are confused, burdened, tempted, fatigued, offended, wounded, and at the break point. You do not follow Him in vain, and He will enable you to overcome. Why?

Because you have put in the PT and have met His 'Qual'.