Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Thinker

'It's Marlon Brando from A Streetcar Named Desire!'

That is what one observer of Auguste Rodin's statue, The Thinker concluded after being amazed at the sculptor's artistry. Too bad Rodin completed the cast of the now infamous image in 1898, finished it in 1902 and began its display in 1904, long before Brando brandished his tight bluejeans.

Rodin was an Artist 'Wannabe' in his early years. Rejected time and again, he continued to work to improve upon his passion, the creation of worthy and meaningful artistry. When he was commissioned by the French government to create a portal to famed Museum of Decorative Art, he had indeed come of age. His work was more than was celebrated.

The Thinker is postured in a sober, meditative, seated position, completely nude. Rodin wanted to capture the powerful internal struggle of the soul in quest of the meaning of life and the reality of death. Most insist that this is Rodin's appreciation of the study of philosophy, but when you consider the fact that The Thinker was to introduce Dante's 'Gates of Hell' in the great museum, you may inject a deeper meaning that includes eternity and access to it.

"I wanted to see what was worthwhile for men to do under heaven during the few years of their lives." Ecclesiastes 2:3

The King who wrote this was an analyst himself. He devoted intentional and intensive thought to the meaning and purpose of life and had all the means at his disposal to make a well founded conclusion. He was surrounded by advisers, diplomats, academics, and members of the Think Tanks of his day. He also knew that present life was the gateway to future life. As he pondered, studied and considered what really mattered, Solomon concluded;

"For without him (God) who can eat or find enjoyment?" Ecclesiastes 2:25

Knowledge is cool. Collecting facts and recalling them proves you are smart. Making the most with your mind is never a bad thing, but a wise pursuit. Yet, knowledge cannot make you happy. Most times, knowledge can make you grumpy, cynical, sarcastic and arrogant!

Have a seat today. Do some thinking of your own. Consider how fast your life is moving and the direction that it is headed. Gather all the facts you can. Do your homework. Bone up your brain some. You may conclude that instead of demanding explanations from God that you would find fulfillment in embracing the promises of God instead.

Real 'smarts' keeps you outside the Gates of Hell when you become The Thinker.

Just a thought.

Brain Tease

MaMa Health has complied these interesting facts about the human brain:

* The brain uses 20% of your body's energy but contains only 2% of your body weight.
* Your brain is the size of a cantaloupe and is wrinkled like a walnut.
* Your cerebral cortex grows thicker as you use your brain.
* While awake, your brain generates 25 watts of power, enough to light your fridge.
* Your brain contains 1 billion neutrons, 16 times the number of the earth's population.
* Feeling brain fatigue? Jump start your brain by eating a cooked potato!

Researchers are not in agreement as to how well we use our brains. Some say that we use about 2% of our brain capacity, others insist that 10% is more accurate. Be different...use 50% this week and stun your boss!

Do you ever wonder how people could have such brain power and lack 'smarts'? New York City Schools did a study that revealed that student IQ scores increased dramatically when kids DID NOT eat from the school cafeteria! Yes, they changed the menu big time after those brain facts were released. You can change your diet and even exercise your brain intentionally to improve your intellect...and still be dumb as a rock!

"Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge." Ecclesiastes 1:16

A 'dummy' did not make this self appraisal. He pursued knowledge of every sort, from every corner of the earth and from every book he could get his hands on. He hung out with the professors and listened to the philosophers and took notes along the way. He mastered literature, science and the arts and made this conclusion:

"I learned that all of this is chasing after the wind." Ecclesiastes 1:17

What a bust! This incomparable king determined that the sum of human intellect could not fathom the mysteries of life, and that real discernment for life had its source in God. Read the rest of his Book and you will 'learn' firsthand his conclusions that led him beyond himself.

Maybe one of the reasons God has created humans with such brain complexity and capacity is to tease us toward Him.

Just a 'thought' to think on.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rose Gardens

Weeds grow in rose gardens.

I know that because the Foreman of the yard crew I worked on told me to go pull every one of them! I was a college kid, yanking weeds from Rose Garden soil at the State Capital Building in Montgomery, Alabama. I could think of much more glamorous work, more important stuff that I could be doing to change the world like those lawmakers inside, but I wound up digging in the dirt instead.

Have you ever tried to make the most of the least? Ever feel like 'nuthin' trying to become 'somethin'?

"Whatever you hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." Ecclesiastes 9:10

Are you creating something worthwhile with your life? Are you pouring yourself into becoming the greatest at what it is that you do every day? Tasks that we think have no merit or little value can be the very things that distinguish us in the eyes of others and elevate us to the places that God has destined for us in our work while upon the earth. The gut check reality is that we all we end up in the same place as your Christmas extension a box.

It doesn't matter if you work at the food processing plant or Corporate you best in the eyes of the Lord. Give to Him your finest efforts and take the paycheck as your 'bonus'! And yet, keep your balance. Remember that all your natural abilities do not guarantee success. Life is that unpredictable. That is God's way of keeping us humble and flexible...and looking to Him for ultimate approval.

Even in our labors, God invites us to recognize His sovereignty and absolute right to rule. After all...HE is God...and WE are not. Everyday tasks are blunt reminders of that undeniable fact. So, make the most of your day and do your best to complete your chore list. After all, your life is a rose garden of sorts. Use a bit of 'Weed B Gone' if need be!