Friday, March 28, 2008


Ever been in a place where you really did not want to be?

It is possible to be duped or suckered or to be the brunt of someone else's intentions. It is possible to be slammed into a situation that you did not create and that you want nothing to do with.

In our family...I am the one who gets duped. It is through me that the Weber Nation sits back and smiles after I have been craftily situated in a no win scenario. Once at Disney World I was held by the hand in line for what was promised to be a non-rotating ride. In other words, me and fast action, high speed revolving circular motions are just not a pleasant combination. Believing my innocent children and loving wife about this 'joy ride' was a huge mistake! Once I was buckled in, I knew that I was another step closer to heaven than I first imagined. I did meet the needs of my family's yearning for entertainment, though. I suppose that was the upside while I was upside down!

I have danced with German polka dancers at Epcot! I did not volunteer. I thought I was being hugged by my bride during our Fun Day when instead her wrapped arm kept me from detecting her finger pointing at me as 'volunteers' were escorted to the stage. That is the very same technique that she used when Marilyn Monroe sang 'Happy Birthday' to me in Branson. It wasn't even my birthday! You won't even believe what happened to me at a Christmas White Elephant Party when I opened the taser. It was not the heckler at the University of Florida who first screamed out, "Don't tase me, bro!" He stole that line from me.

Ever been where you did not intend to be, positioned in a circumstance that you did not create and that if you could, you would avoid at all costs? We all have. Some are humorous...others are dangerous.

"Do you want me to release the King of the Jews?" John 18:39

Pilate was in a awful place, and it was serious beyond serious. An accused man stood before him, condemned already by the fierce and growing crowd who demanded that he be put to death. His crime? Admitting who He was. He was the Son of God. He validated that through the miracles that pointed people to the grace of the Father. He spoke that when in His teaching, a sanctified authority captivated the hearts and the souls of each listener. He affirmed His Kingship by exercising authority in commanding unclean spirits to leave those they had tormented and kept in bondage. This Decision Maker, Pilate...a man of authority as well holds the life of the Savior in the balance...or does he?

"You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above." John 19:11

All history has been postured for this moment. In perfect sync has the Creator God timed the Lamb for the ultimate sacrifice for sin. It is Passover, and the altar of heaven is about to receive the cleansing blood of the pure and undefiled Lamb of God. Pilate was in a juxtaposition like never before. In all of of dealings with Rome, he had been able to position himself with the favor of the Empire despite his under the table craftiness. He had been able to secure his rulership through favors granted in back room agreements, brokered by the selfish of which he was a member. Now he was negotiating for the life of the Innocent. He was not going to pull this one off...the crowd, the threats, the calling into question national loyalty, were all coming down on him as he looked at the Lamb of God, adorned with a Crown of Thorns and robed in purple.

Pilate did what many of us do when we are in a position where we do not want to assume guilt and there is no where to wiggle. He washed his hands.

The Jews would understand that act. They were all over the keeping of the Law and the ceremonial cleansing required of the orthodox. Outward washing apart from inward cleansing is only a hopeful act. His bowl, basin and water did not exonerate him from the guilt of signing the death warrant on Christ.

Before we become observers only, remind yourself of the many times that you faced the Son of God and instead bowed to the appeals of the throng shouting Him down. Remember the times when you could acknowledge His Kingship, and yet divorced yourself from the truth of your own uncleanness that would grant Him access to the throne of your heart. Think through the moments when you were forced to deal with choice...maybe even one that you did not instigate, but there you were, He and you...and still you handed Him over.

Here's the rub. Jesus puts you in the position of choice. You can attempt to self-vindicate, or you can humbly admit the plight of your heart condition.

"When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid." John 19:8

More afraid of what? He had come face to face with the Son of God. He looked directly into His eyes of compassion and resolve. He offered to exchange another for the life of the Innocent. He was afraid for good reason. Washing of the hands could not remove the stain of his regrettable decision. Commentators have said that Pilate went into exile in his ladder days, rubbing his hands as he did on the day that he feigned blamelessness. He exited this life, unprepared for the next.

Don't live conflicted. Certainly, don't die that way. All the outward posturing will not remove the reality of inner need, deep in the heart and the soul for His permanent and lasting cleansing.

You may not always be where you would want to be or chose to be. Don't let that be an excuse for keeping you where you need to be.

Birthday Blues

Today has the potential of being a sad day for my brother and my sister.

Why? It is their birthday today! They are twins, born just 6 minutes apart...and that monumental event occurred just over a half century ago. Try to wrap your mind around that for a moment. What were you doing over a half century ago on this date? I was not even born, so I cannot answer my own question!

How can a birthday turn blue? Well, when you are as old as my bro and sis, you may be tempted to think and talk more about subjects and people 'back in the day'. You can have more memories than possibilities. My father sometimes relates life to a game of golf. He says that at this stage of life, its like 'chipping up to the 18th green'. In other words, you are about to make it to the 'Clubhouse'. Try to wrap your mind around that analogy!

The Wisdom Writer understood the impact of birthdays...

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, 'I find no pleasure in them'." Ecclesiastes 12:1

King Solomon then paints quite a Rembrandt of the physical, emotional and mental realities of aging. He describes the the 'losses' that years exact upon the aged. Loss of sight, teeth, hearing, appetite, courage, adventure, libido, hair, muscle not to mention circulation and mobility form quite a reality check! The carelessness of youth gives way to the realization of the fact that life can be tough and time is a gift. He goes on to appraise all the pursuits of life that beforehand seemed so essential to the ripped of abs of Generation Now...

"Meaningless! Meaningless! Everything is meaningless!" Ecclesiastes 12:8

The core interpretation of this exclamation is 'Empty', or 'Void', or 'Futile'. In other words, life apart from God is absolutely and completely without meaning, value or matter the fulfilled accomplishments, the raised champagne glasses, the Mediterranean excursions, the sexual conquests, the Wall Street accolades, or the completion of your 'Bucket List'. As Bill Murray says to his Commanding Officer in 'Stripes', 'That's the fact, Jack!' Mark it down...a life apart from God can be evaluated but not celebrated.

One of the subtle illnesses of being young is to forget that you are aging. As time slips by, the Evil One convinces you that you can recover lost opportunity...later. Yet, remembering God from your younger days launches you into a life of perpetual realization of His activity all around you. Your body may be terminal, but you live for Someone who promises a glory beyond your wrinkles.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is unseen. For what is seen in temporary, but what is unseen is not." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

"My kingdom is not of this world. But now, my kingdom is from another place." John 18:36

When He is your King, being subject to Him is a blessing and a benefit in the here and now and the here to come. Rather than bemoaning the emptiness of life in retrospect, you rejoice in the fullness of being perfectly satisfied in Him. After have tasted His grace and witnessed His greatness for many years. Birthdays need not be daunting. Instead, they become markers of the history of His might and favor upon you, provided in faithful attention toward you as He is the God of your yesterdays, todays and forevermores!

So, 'Happy' Birthday, Dan! 'Happy' Birthday, Lori! Although you are in Orlando and Philly while I am here in KC, I am rejoicing over you today! I am celebrating the fact that together, we were introduced to Christ as young teens. It took a while for each of us to navigate into His grace, but the seed of remembering His drawing us to Himself began when we shared life together as kids. The paths that He has taken us have separated us only for a time...but not for eternity! Thank you both for giving me a boatload of memories. Thank you Father for the lavish blessing of allotting us our younger years together that we may now reflect and celebrate Your divine movement in each of our lives soon to be reunited in You!

In this Botox Generation where birthdays are liabilities, determine to 'redeem the time' moment by moment as you look forward to your personal presentation into His Royal Court. As long as you are breathing, you can encourage, bless and lift up those around you for His honor. As long as you are breathing, enjoy your Creator and Redeemer. Get to know Him well. You will be in His presence forever...with a new body and as a member of His New Heaven.

Cool stuff!

Facing the Sunrise

Have you ever been consumed with anticipation?

Spring Training is almost over and real Major League Baseball is about to bust out all over the country. Normally, it is not too hard to get a ticket to a KC Royals game, (our hometown team has been in a rebuilding mode since the early 90's), but try to land a seat on Opening Day and you can just about forget it! On Opening Day the 'K' is maxed to the upper deck with powder blue gear from caps to jerseys as the Good Guys take the field for the start of another season of a hopeful run to the World Series.

I've been there for Opening Day several times, and I can tell you, its electric at the 'K' as anticipation builds for the first pitch of the first inning of the first game!

Charlette and I were newly married while I was attending grad school in Fort Worth, Texas. 'Home' was back in central and south Alabama, a good 14 hour drive. When Christmas Break rolled around, our car was packed the day before and as soon as we could, we jumped in that old B210 Datsun and headed back 'home' to see our folks and family. We were so thrilled about making it back that we began our trek in the late afternoon and drove straight through the night through Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Being greeted by the morning sun cresting the horizon made our nightlong journey worth the sleeplessness...were were just about 'home'.

"I am coming to you." John 17:11

"I am coming to you now." John 17:13

Jesus prayed to His Father these words in anticipation of His return back to the 'home' of His glory. The intimate love shared between the Loving Father and the Obedient Son was intense and eternal...

"You loved me before the creation of the world." John 17:24

Jesus was about to return to Father, and He looked forward to the reunion. But, He had some unfinished business that was yet to be finalized before His homecoming. He was about to slog it through an ultimate darkness for which He had come into the world. He was about to fulfill His mission on the nearside before He was to arrive 'home' on the far side.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the Cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the Father." Hebrews 12:2

Jesus did not enjoy the Cross in the least. He endured it. He did what had to be done in securing the redemption that only His perfect sacrifice could provide for all people through all time. He became a curse so that we could share in His glory;

"I have given them the glory that you gave me." John 17:22

Jesus travailed through a night of ghastly anticipation. Blood sweat dotted His forehead as He readied to face the darkest hours ever registered in the chronicles of time. He volunteered Himself to endure a night of angry assault, physical abuse and ceaseless torture. As He was suspended between heaven and earth, nailed to the post of execution, the midday sky became as black as night from high noon to 3:00 PM as the Father turned His holy face from His suffering Son, now laden with the guilt of our sin.

"I am coming to you now."

Jesus endured the darkness because He was looking past it. He endured the shame as shame itself became the object of His scorn. He fulfilled the Father's assignment completely when He willingly gave up His spirit, crying out; "It is finished". He did all of this for the sake of our souls and our eternities. He did this for the joy of completing His mission, returning back to His Father...and presenting us before The Almighty as the exonerated. Jesus always anticipated the Cross. Every move He made led to Place of the Skull...and beyond...way beyond.

Today, keep this in mind as you walk through your 'darkness'. Determine that you will release your agenda to the will of the Father, looking past the valley of the shadow to the place where you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Face the sunrise and never turn your head!

As much as Charlette and I could not wait until we were met by parents at the door of the 'homes' we knew, we now wait at the door for our own children when we know they are about to come up the driveway! Today, one is at sea. Another in Kansas. Another in Oklahoma. Another in south Missouri. Another in central Kansas City. Our hearts are loaded with great joy when they make the long trek 'home'. We dote over them as we absolutely and intensely love each of the 'Fab Five'.

Your Heavenly Father delights over you! If you have strayed...come 'home'. If you are enjoying Him, look forward to being forever in the place secured for you by the Son who faced the darkness and now sits at the right hand of the Father anticipating your arrival...'home'.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One and Done

Science both amazes me and baffles me.

I am stunned at the sheer complexity of life. Matter, calculations, physics, physiology, biology, astronomy, energy and geography are just a few subjects that are so far beyond me that the word 'Nobel' will never be associated with my name!

People both amaze me and baffle me.

I am stunned at the sheer complexity of people. Personalities, body types, skin tones, attitudes, aptitudes, perspectives, beliefs, experiences and abilities are so diverse that I am as overwhelmed as a Cat Rancher herding felines!

Religion both amazes me and baffles me.

I am stunned over the obvious spiritual needs of people that are pragmatically satisfied through pluralism, secularism, (this is a religion), mysticism, spiritualism, paganism, pantheism, deism as well as through the Seven Major Religions of the World, (some are expanding that list now that we live in the Age of 'Tolerism' a word that I have coined as a reminder of extended kindness without debate in our culture of acceptance).

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." John 11:25

Science says that resurrection is impossible because it does not fall under the research criteria of being duplicated in order to be verified. It is interesting though that in the Bible, Jesus resurrected THREE different people, of different ages, in different locations, affirming His power over death, (Luke 7:11-17, Luke 8:49-56, John 11:38-44)even before His own resurrection!

In this one statement, Jesus transcends all scientific rationale and human attempts to angle one toward acceptance and knowledge of God. He has done what no one has ever done...He laid down His life as the perfect sacrifice for sinners who are under the bondage of guilt and regret. If there is one thing that science can verify because of is the reality of sin! If there is one thing that religion attempts to address, it is that there is really a personal desire and need for God.

Jesus said, 'I am the Resurrection'. This is emphatic. This is singular. He is the only means through which grace can be applied to the guilty, and new life both now and forevermore can be assured to those who know Him in His resurrection reality.

If you are looking for 'life' (and we all are), and dreading death, (most of us do), read and re-read this assurance of Jesus as your Life Giver. He is the only 'One' who can give you Life. Dissecting the complexities of life does not fully explain Him, (they can reveal His wonder for sure!). Pursuing Him in hopes of gaining His favor through religious activity and expression will leave you tired and hopelessly frustrated. If you are ready to get out of your 'tomb', the place where you are walled around by darkness and fear, trapped in spite of what you know and what religion you have practiced...

He is the only One who has offered His life so that you can have a life.

He is the only One who has come back to life, post-burial to insure your victory through Him over death and into Eternal Life.

"You were called to one hope when you were called. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." Ephesians 4:5-6

In all this searching and researching for meaning, purpose and real and lasting life; it comes down to One. The only One.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish (die) but have eternal life." John 3:16

He is the One. Now you are 'done' searching any further!

Grace really is amazing! What Christ has done in expressing the Father's heart for you is incomprehensible! Now, try to take that in!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Five years ago today, American history was being written.

Whether you agree with with the War in Iraq or not is a debate for another time. All I know is that five years ago today, the Ground War was launched into Iraq with the objective of protecting American lives from future attack. We were living in a Post 9-11 World, where potential threats were being addressed pro-actively by our elected governmental officials.

Our Marine son, Samuel was advancing swiftly with his comrades into enemy territory as the 'tip of the sword'. As parents, we were aware of Sam's presence on the border and now on the field of battle. With nervous anxiousness, his mother and I stayed glued to as many network and cable outlets as possible to try to be current with the any updated news of the offensive. We could not and would not shake lose of any opportunity to pray for, think about and stay focused on our young and courageous son. We imagined Sam and many other young men geared up and making their way into combat...and with each passing moment, our parental hearts beat in worried unison.

Many surrounded us with encouragement, assuring us of their intercessions in Sam's behalf. Others, in quietness, offered looks of comfort, hugs of hope and heartfelt compassion in those trying moments...moments that turned into days and into weeks before we heard of Sam's report of safety although heavily engaged in battle.

I do not remember many times through the course of my life that I trembled. In this case, I became so emotionally invested, that I was absolutely drained day in and day out. I knew that Sam had to be under such demand of continual readiness and engagement, that he certainly was living through sleepless days and nights in enemy territory, under constant attack or involved in battle. I wondered if his supply lines reached him, (the Marines moved faster than their supply lines could keep up)with water and food. I wondered if he was injured or wounded...or worse. Charlette and I trembled together for a long stretch of days without word of or from our son, Samuel.

When Sam returned home physically safe from his first tour, (he would later return to Iraq and be fully engaged in the gruesome battle of Fallujah), grandparents, aunts, friends and those in our church joined us, and his brothers and sister in welcoming home our Hero, (he does not like that description in the least). My first glimpse of Sam before his stepping into his was in Blue Springs. I was so geeked up to see my boy that I could feel what seemed to be electrical impulses literally running up and down my body. His mother got the first long awaited embrace, (deservedly so) as I watched her tearful but joyful reunion with our son. That picture is sealed into my memory...certainly one of the most joyful in my lifetime.

"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...these are the beginnings of birth pangs." Mark 13:7-8

I heard just today that every American generation has experienced the reality of war. I thought about it some and think that may indeed be true. Yet, it sees to me that there is a climbing escalation of hostility between nations, that now has become very personal to us Weber's. Sam was the first of our three older sons to volunteer to serve our country as members of the Armed Forces. Not only has their courage and patriotism amazed me, but my sensitivity to this prophetic promise of Jesus the Christ has made me much more astute as to the reality of the coming again of the Prince of Peace.

When He returns, He will set everything right. Injustices will be addressed without debate and in perfect resolve to His will and for His glory. Earthly powers and armies will oppose Him, but be no challenge to the establishment of His right to reclaim and to rule upon the earth and in every yielded heart. The 'real' enemy will be defeated and rendered eternally void of any wicked influence as his fate is sealed by the divine justice of Messiah. Then, and only then, will there be 'Peace on earth and goodwill toward men' as voiced by the angelic visitors dispatched at His first coming.

I realized something as I read through this passage of Jesus who was in the very midst of His Passion Week...there will be a generation that will be completely delivered from threat when He comes again. I do look forward to being in that generation...I do.

Until then, thank you Sam...thank you for placing yourself in the cross hairs so that your Mother and I, your brothers and sister, your grandparents and relatives could have assurance of peace and security. Thank you for your heroism, that in combination with many of your fellow warriors, provided for and continues to provide for our safety here in our homeland. Thank you for putting your life on hold, so that the rest of us could get on with our living under the protection you made possible. I cannot express the depth of my pride in you, (not just as a defender of freedom, but as a man on the grow). Words are simply inadequate. I cannot put enough heart behind the words, "I love you, son"...but I will keep trying...for the rest of my days on this side of eternity.

I want to live my life more worthily because of you, contributing as much as I can to make Christ known through as many means possible. I want to cherish your mother even more, love your siblings even more, care for my church even more...and love my Lord even more because of the opportunity that you and many, many brave men have fought to make possible. I do not want to waste your sacrifice at all, Sam.

Five years ago...only five years ago...

I wonder what our lives will be five years from now, son. Let's make the most of the gifts of time, faith and family as we possibly can.

A Topic Avoided

Not a day goes by without this topic being mentioned.

Story lines are crowded with the mention of this painful reality on daily network and cable newscasts. Plots are developed around the theme of this dreaded subject made fascinating through weekly TV series and at your local AMC Theater. From "CSI" to 'The Soprano's", the subject of death takes on different angles, from those who kill, to those who solve the killing crimes, to those who grieve over their dead.

That may seem extreme on a surface look, but in truth, we are horrified and yet consumed by the reality of death.

Today a young corporate middle manager in the corner office will get the medical report back from his doctor with a chilling prognosis. Today, a family will grieve around the lifeless body of a son, killed in an auto accident. Today, a widow weeps over the freshly dug grave about to receive the casket cradling her Life Partner of 43 years. Today, a military Chaplain will walk up the driveway to a home, delivering to tearful parents the news of their patriot child's laying down of his life on the battlefield.

Most of us have been touched by the reality of death in some way or another. My first taste of death was the passing on of my favorite Aunt when I was just a child. To this day, the unforgettable look on my Dad's face when the news broke is etched in my middle aged mind. His shock and pain was obvious. His grief was very real. Sadness gripped my soul for my Dad, and then for me.

From that time until my late teens, I avoided talking about the topic of death. I did not understand death. Like those I knew, this was never a comfortable conversation piece. Death and dying was brutal, ugly and final. I wondered about what happened to those who had died...and what would happen to me when I died. All I had to do to avoid the issue of death was to jump on my bike and ride, grab a baseball and play catch with my brother, or turn my stereo up as loud as it could be cranked. In each case, (and many others), I could simply defer this topic until the ugly issue came up at a later date.

"Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?" Mark 12:24

Here is the key, spoken to us by the Son of God, who Himself was about to face a death beyond any brutality ever experienced by the dying. He was about to become sin! The sinless Son of God, dispatched from glory to rescue the eternally dying, would offer up His own life as a Guilt Offering for those who were actually guilty!

We are confused about death because we do not know His Word or His promises! It is true that 'sin leads to death', (Romans 6:16), and that the wages (payment) for sin is death, (Romans 6:23). For those in Christ, the power of sin is broken and the death payment is satisfied. When we lack knowledge of the Scriptures on this gigantic subject, our only course of action is deferment of this reality, or behaving in a way that leaves our spent lives without accountability.

This is 'Passion Week'. This is the week that we recognize that the atoning death and powerful resurrection of Jesus Christ in our behalf. This knowledge alone leads to relationship with Him that is current and lasting. This reversal of the sting of death, making it's inevitability depressing, offers instead an anxiousness to be united with our Redeemer and those others that are in Christ who have gone on before us. Death is not final to the believer. It is the passage that leads to eternal celebration, heavenly rest, and timeless triumph through our Beloved Savior.

"I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. You are badly mistaken!" Mark 12:27

This single statement of Jesus is loaded with meaning! He states that these patriarchs are not dead but alive! He teaches to all who will lend an ear that knowing Him is the pathway to Life, not death...and to make no mistake about it!

Dying can indeed be tragic, saddening and painful. If there was no guarantee of Resurrection, our avoiding this topic is understandable. Yes, we will grieve the loss of those we have known and loved, and share in sympathy with those who are being impacted personally by the passing on of those they have loved. Yet, in looking squarely into the eyes of death Himself, Jesus the Christ knew the outcome;

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the Cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the Father...consider Him, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Hebrews 12:2-3

This is the topic that you cannot avoid...and need make no mistake concerning. Today, look forward to your being joined to Him throughout eternity. When you do, your earthly sojourn is just that...a passing through to your being joyfully with your Loving Redeemer Who is passionate about you!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Image Coach

You may have heard of these specialists who 'coach' aspiring professionals in creating a demeanor of prudent respectability in corporate America.

The upside of employing an Image Coach is that the client is better equipped to compete in a cultural forum among others who are just as aspiring and perhaps even more capable than they. Being coached as to what to wear, how to look, what to say and how to say it are the critical essentials to some who sense that their abilities can be overshadowed by their personal presentation. Image Coaches aren't cheap, but to many, they are priceless.

The downside of coaching image is that you can 'create' an image that is simply not aligned to the person that you really are. You can put a cowboy hat on me, stick a straw in my mouth and have me wear Wranglers with a well worn Copenhagen container circle on my back left pocket, but I just ain't no Country Boy. I might take a good picture and slur my words with a perfected twang, but that image would hold up about five seconds at the County Fair!

Herein is the difference between religion and relationship. 'Religion' can be reduced to image. Think about it. Do the right thing at the right time in the right way among the right people and you can make the right impression...on others. In the Bible, Jesus spoke directly to those who seemed to be both the religious and the cultural 'Image Coaches'. They stopped to pray at the right time. They offered the prescribed sacrifices according to expectation. They even gave financially to the Temple Offerings to the detail...and yet, as far as Jesus was was all 'image'.

"Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When He reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, 'May no one ever eat fruit from you again.' And his disciples heard him say it." Mark 11:12-14

When a fig tree displayed leaves, the ancients (and the moderns) knew that it was ripe for the picking. Leaves were the outward evidence of fruit, ready to be enjoyed. Figs can not be seen because of the leaves cover, but once you get close you can push aside the leaves and begin enjoying a snack breakfast. Jesus went to the fig tree with the expectation that it was projecting evidence of real fruit. Instead, it was barren and a waste of his time. From a distance, the leaves encouraged attention, but upon closer inspection, yielded only frustration.

Did you catch the phrase; "And his disciples heard him say it." He wanted them to hear because he knew that they would see the result of the curse he laid on the image inducing fig tree the very next day, (Mark 11:20).

Here is the lesson...really simple...and an important part of Jesus' teaching during His Passion Week; 'Religion without reality is empty'.

Do you cast a 'religious image'? When people take stock of you (from a distance) do you export a pseudo flavor of spirituality? If others were to take a closer look at your life from under the coverings of projection, what would be the 'real' you? Would they find a spiritually lifeless image caster, bent on convincing others of what is in fact...missing? That is a dangerous place to be...leading others into your barrenness can result in a judgment that God harshly applies against you.

Sometimes 'religion' is our attempt to become pleasing to the people who are around us. Sometimes 'religion' is our attempt to induce our 'like-a-bility' to God Himself. Each are driven by finding acceptance. With others, you may have to earn that, but with God, he already loves you and needs no convincing of your value. When instead you are related to the God who loves you, demonstrated by His Son who died and rose again on your behalf...your life bears His image...and there is nothing fraudulent about that! As a matter of fact, you become quite attractive to others who may employ an Image Coach but yet long for the satisfaction of the soul that only the Christ can create within. 'real'. If you are faking spirituality through the practice of religion that is motivated to impress others or even God...abandon that...NOW! If you life is out of line with the 'image' of Christ-likeness that you are publicizing, repent, adjust and enjoy the renewal of His life bearing fruit through you in genuineness.

You don't need an Image Coach when you have a Redeeming Savior whose Life is your life. As a matter of don't even want one!

Passion and the Passionate

This week is known as 'Passion Week'.

These are the days prior to the celebrating of Resurrection Day, (some call it Easter Sunday)that Jesus the Christ deliberately made His way toward His own execution. In the days of 'Passion', in these few days, Jesus intensifies His disclosure that He is indeed the Promised Messiah, the 'Deliverer' long awaited for.

"They brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, He sat on it."
Mark 11:7

Jesus began His Passion Week by declaring His right to rule openly and then receiving the praises of the multitude who attributed Kingship to Him in resounding fashion.

There are one or two things that I am very certain that I will never attempt. One was confirmed a couple weeks ago as Charlette and I enjoyed an afternoon of watching other people ride bulls. It was the Championship Round of the Professional Bull Riders Association down at the Sprint Center here in Kansas City. Those cowboys intentionally mount untamed, unbroken, genetically engineered bulls with the hopes of lasting 8 seconds. Most of these PBA lads didn't last long, much less 8 seconds. Most went airborne, and a few limped their way out through the exit gate.

When Jesus assumed the mount of an unbroken colt, He postured Himself as absolutely sovereign. He spoke, and the winds obeyed His command and the stormy waves were quieted as well. When he issued the command to drop the fishing nets to the other side of the boat to professional anglers, and they could not haul in the catch of fish...His command led to the obvious realization that He was no mere man. When Jesus was recognized by a soldier as one with unmatched authority, asking for a healing for his loyal servant who was nearing death, it was just a word spoken at that moment that eclipsed distance and brought immediate remedy to the suffering servant.

Jesus proved time and time again that He was indeed the fulfillment of the Prophet's predictions. He did this once again as He mounted the unbroken colt and made His way through the cheering crowds...who were moved to offer praise fit only for a King. What they sang is recorded in Psalm 118:25-26;

"O LORD, save us; O LORD, grant us success. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the Lord, we bless you."

This is a hymn of thanksgiving and deliverance from Israel's enemies. This was a song reserved in expressing joy for national deliverance in epic proportions. There are some who believe that this was the song that Jesus and His disciples sang as they concluded their observance of the Passover at His Last Supper. This song of deliverance came from the heart and the mouth of the Deliverer...the All Powerful, All Sovereign Deliverer... and was now being lavished upon Him as He once again revealed His Kingship;

"Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest!" Mark 11:10-11

This expression of highest praise is multiplied through the voices of the people and the waving of the branches of victory acknowledging the Lordship and the majesty of Christ. It is here that the passionate resound in giving great glory to the True King.

What are you passionate about? Politics? Education? Social injustice? Vocation? Sports? Family? Recreation? Money making? Entertainment? Celebrities?

When you consider carefully the movement, the words, and the events that led to the Cross of the Lord Jesus throughout Passion Week (we have it as March 11-16), meditate on His 'passion' for you. Think carefully and often about His open declaration of love toward you, evidenced in His power on display, and His sacrifice...power deferred by humility.

You may want to re-assess what matters most. When you do, Psalm 118 may become your personal Song of Victory as well!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bow to the 'WOW'!

"Dr. J" was Da Man back in the day.

He was Michael Jordan before there was a Michael Jordan! The NBA Encyclopedia calls him the 'great and wondrous'. He was without question the most dominant pro basketball player of his era. As an on court innovator, Dr. J. was considered one of the first players to make 'extemporaneous' individual expression an integral part of the game. The man could whirl and spin in midair before slamming the ball with punctuated power over helpless defenders.

I saw Dr. J in action one night. Reunion Arena, Dallas, Texas, '80 or '81.

He dribbled to the foul line, left the floor with arm held directly above his head, cupping the 'rock'...and sailed to the hoop, jamming the ball on his decent back to planet earth. Along with the sold out crowd of Mavericks fans, I jumped to my feet and yelled in approving unison with the thousands of others...cheering on the Dr. even though he was scoring against our home boys in Big D. What he did was unheard of. It was physically impossible, (it seemed so anyway) to leap that far in s single bound without wearing a cape! The guy to my left lowered his head and placed his hands in front of him in a bowing motion...and there were plenty of others joining him in paying homage to the Doc.

That was a 'Wow' for sure! Many bowed to the 'Wow' quite a few times that night at Reunion Arena.

We love the 'Wow', don't we? Let's come clean on this. Let's 'keep it real' like Randy Jackson of American Idol renown says. We love to be 'wowed'. When she hits the high one singing the National Anthem at Arrowhead in the pre-game, you get the chills don't you? When you shoot a Class D Rapid on the Colorado, you get the willies, right? The affirming and proud look of a pleased parent rejoicing over your graduation from college stirs your heart, true? When she walks down the aisle looking right into your eyes, ready to vow herself to you forever...your heart melts, agreed?

Its an amazing thing to be startled into reality.

"Woe to you Korazin! woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes." Luke 10:13

Becoming a Christian is a stunning matter. To realize that the God of heaven knows your name and loves you deeply is beyond comprehension. Jesus performed miracles not to create the 'Wow', but to inspire realization as to His Messiahship. His touch made blind eyes see, and revealed something much deeper to those who watched it happen. His command made lame legs leap! The crowds could not but admit that Jesus was no mere man. If He could arrest natural laws by a touch or word, what He said about the heart, about eternity, about the Father, redemption, forgiveness of sin, about abundant living, and a secured future meant something that required attention and decision.

How could anyone reject such an invitation to life change and lasting hope? Yet, the 'Wow' turned into a 'Woe'. Some actually took issue with the obvious. It did not matter if a throng was fed from a lunch box. So what if an unclean spirit was expelled from a suicidal teenager. Jesus was rejected nonetheless, and His message of the Kingdom drawing near fell upon hard hearted unbelief.

Even more stunning than becoming a Christian (at times) is to be invited to participate with Him in declaring the message of redemption.

"The seventy-two returned with joy and said, 'Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." Luke 10:17

That had to be a grand moment of celebration as these serious minded disciples went through the towns Jesus was soon to visit, declaring the Good News of deliverance substantiated with great power in the Holy Spirit. They were witness to a God Movement in the places that they had been assigned to visit. A promised 'person of peace' would open their home at every location, offering it as a ministry station for the Redemption Messengers.

"However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Luke 10:20

Reflect on that single statement from the lips of Jesus for a few moments. In a world where many bow to the 'Wow', Christians included...there is nothing more grandiose than remembering that you belong to Him and that one day soon all that He has will belong to you.

I really like Julius Erving. He deserves the honor as a premier Pro Basketball Hall of Famer.

I am especially 'wowed' by the Real Dr. J.

He healed and continues to heal...the broken hearted, the deeply wounded, the guilty offender, the bankrupt of soul and others you and I can identify with.

Take a moment to bow today. He is stunning, isn't He?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Enter Your PIN

Personal Identification Number. That is your 'PIN'.

You have to know your PIN for just about anything in the 21st century. If you go to the A-T-M you better know your P-I-N! Its how the bank is able to know that you are really you!

But, that is just the beginning.

Writing a check? Better show your photo ID. Renewing your Diver's License? Have your expiring one with you to prove that you are you! Taking a trip across the border? You won't make it either north or south if you forget you Passport...and don't those have the most amazing personal photo shots possible? Buy a membership at Sam's Club or Costco and get ready to step to the blue backdrop and say 'Cheese'!

Knowing who you are in one thing...protecting who you are is another. In today's world, story after story of identities being ripped off from the unsuspecting is on the exponential grow. 'Worms' can be dispatched to intentionally infect your laptop and steal your email user names and passwords...better be sure to keep your Previx protection current! Identity theft companies now offer products that assure you of your identity being secured in every imaginable way. Can you imagine what could happen if their information and files were breeched? I sometimes wonder how the Identity protection companies protect the loads of identities that they are pledged to secure!

"Who do the crowds say that I am?" Luke 9:18

Jesus' question to His closest followers made them think.

"Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life." Luke 9:19

People struggled to really know and understand Who they were being healed, taught and blessed by. They knew that He was no ordinary man. They knew that He had the touch of God upon Him. They just could not fathom that they were looking into the very eyes of the Incarnate God, (God in the 'flesh') when He fed them from a snack lunch provided by a lad no one was paying attention to. They knew that He taught them as one having convincing authority like none of their religious teachers ever did. They saw the transformed lives of the healed...the lasting witness of His undeniable power over illness.

"But what about you? Who do you say that I am? Luke 9:20

Jesus did not wear His photo ID around his neck like they do at your office or school. He did not flash around His Passport as He traveled from His home town throughout the region of His earthly ministry. Jesus did not have a website declaring His notable record that could take more hits than a Presidential candidate during the Primaries...complete with a looping video to broadcast repeatedly His track record and speaking engagements.

Jesus had none of that...and needed none of that.

"You are the Christ of God!" Luke 9:20

Those six words of declaration say more than thousands of words of explanation ever could! Jesus is the One sent by the Father to restore to us the glory lost in the Garden by sin. Jesus is the predicted Messiah who came with the mission of redemption, evidenced by His power over sickness, spirits and sin. Jesus is the Deliverer of souls...rescuing all who admit that they are aloof from their Creator and living in regret spawned by an insatiable ego.

Yes, there have been some who have tried to 'steal' His identity. No one ever has or ever will.

Only He has died for sin and sinners. Only He has been raised from the grave to give us real deliverance and hope.

He welcomes you to be personally identified with Him. Talk about a PIN!