Thursday, July 30, 2009

Virtual Tattoo's

I have never had an Image Coach, but from time to time I think I could use one.

We may say that we care less about what others think of us, but we do. It matters to us how we are perceived, judged, evaluated, sized up and interpreted. If 'presentation' did not matter, we could care less what stores to shop, diners to frequent and theaters to enjoy and words to choose. The reputation of vacation destinations, paperback novels, news outlets and PEOPLE do matter to us. It's undeniable.

We leave 'marks' on people and lives, no question.

What goes deeper than what is obvious are the values (or lack of thereof) that we leave as imprints upon those we love deeply and those who we line up behind at check out at Wal Mart.

What 'impression'(s) are you making? Is it the one(s) that you REALLY want to make?

"You became imitators of became a model to others..." 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7

Think for a moment who it is that has left an impression on you and why. What did they do or say that impacted you deeply and formed the person that you now are? Do you 'like' the person that you have become? Should others need a personal trailblazer to go ahead of them to make a path that really leads to somewhere, could YOU be followed? Because someone will follow you, (your kids, your spouse, your co-workers and others), where are you leading them? What impressions are you making on them?

You can say that it makes no difference...but it does. It's a huge difference and YOU are the difference maker. You are the 'swing vote'. It's just a fact.

That's why it is good to have a Personal Coach, a Spiritual Mentor, a maturing God follower to impact your life and leave an impression that you can pass on to your kids rather than to leave them to the countless others who will weigh in on their hearts, values and choices through the tube, the iPod, the Internet, on Facebook, being 'tweeted' and live and in person.

Be careful what you say. Someone is listening. Be careful what you write. Someone is reading. Be careful what you value. Someone is watching. You are 'marking' others like a tattoo...impossible to 'un-mark' in many cases.

"Live according to the pattern we gave you." Philippians 3:17

Someone who is looking to you as a trustworthy and honored example. Leave a mark!

Crashing Symbols 2

Air Jordan's.

MJ is said to be the best ever according to National Basketball Association historians, sports reporters and countless fans. Back in the day, Air Jordan's were reputed to be the Nike version of the ultimate BB sneaker on the planet. Hey, for $200.00 a pair, you could 'play like Mike'!

Sure you could. Right.

The Swoosh Logo combined with a silhouette of MJ does not mean you got game. It just means that you got credit or cash and can lace up some hoop shoes. I have seen wannabes wearing the Swoosh AND an MJ jersey too, and the best 'game' they had was back at the house on their PS 2.

It's pretend.

"For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but for us who are being saved, it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18

There are some who do not get it. They just cannot comprehend the God of the Universe choosing to divest Himself of glory to become a man...a man destined to be humiliated like a dog and executed like a guilty criminal. The Cross is foolishness, even retarded for those who choose not to contemplate the meaning of what Jesus did on that stake.

The Cross becomes foolish to the already cynic when 'Cross-Bearers' behave badly, act dumb, speak 'stupidly' and treat as casual its priceless meaning. Have you ever felt that way as metallic crosses hang from chains around Rocker's necks while lyrics are screamed of reckless lifestyles of personal, relational and political destruction? There's something really strange about that picture...but it happens all the time, every Rockers and Rollers alike.

A jersey does not make you a stud. A mahogany desk does not make you an Executive. A title does not make you a leader. An sheep skin does not always make one smart. Baptism does not make you a Christian. Sitting in a pew does not make you a worshipper. Putting kittens in ovens does not make them muffins!

Symbols have meaning. Symbols illustrate substance. Symbols incite endearment, inspiration, loyalty and represent truth, fact and meaning. We empty symbols of meaning and erode their influence when make the symbol more than what God would ever intend for it to become to us. The symbol becomes an 'image' and that comes dangerously close to idolatry, a taboo of the first order according to The Book.

Remember the Cross today. Reflect upon its meaning. Consider what occurred on that Cross. The Cross is more than a fashion statement, or a common religious gesture. The Cross is a symbol of a sincere life change that God has provided that transforms your present and guarantees your future.

"God's grace through Jesus Christ has overflowed to the many!" Romans 5:15

Crashing Symbols

From the backdrop of the American Flag, General George Patton speaks of bravery and patriotism.

I could watch that movie classic intro a trillion times! I get juiced just listening to the call of courage while being reminded of the sacred liberty that is mine as represented by the American Flag. That is the power of a symbol. We all know it and feel the rush of life and loyalty that symbols bring to our memories and our emotions. The value of a meaningful symbol cannot be price matched.

"Place me like a seal over your heart." Song of Songs 8:6

In Scripture, a 'seal' was easily understood, recognized and respected. It was the 'signet', the 'sign' of possession. The 'seal' was the unique emblem of ownership. To Solomon's wife, the 'seal' represented her husband's lasting love and loyalty that was exclusive to her alone and never to be compromised. The 'seal' was public and left no secret to whom it belonged. The 'seal' was in practical terms, and this announcement of love and fidelity.

When you wear a wedding band...that is what your 'seal' communicates. You wear the emblem of belonging. To allow anyone other than your spouse into your heart shatters the meaning of what that gold symbol represents and your mate especially, and to your children, family and loads of others. That is the power of a symbol.

That is why God knows our need for visuals. Pictures create for us a means to understand and communicate indescribable realities. For the Christian, the symbol of the Cross is saturated with meaning. The Cross represents the place where atonement was provided. It is that single symbol that adorns church buildings, marks burial sites and even dangles from earlobes. To claim the Cross as a symbol of personal faith and then to empty it's influence by casual disobedience to God is dangerous...very dangerous.

"I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God." Exodus 20:5

When you belong to God, He is jealous over you because His 'seal' is set upon you. He refuses to share you with others who pretend to be 'God'. Would you agree to share your spouse with another? The answer is obvious...even to the point of ridiculousness!

Here's another question that you can ponder some today...

Are you jealous for God? If so, guard against emptying the Cross of it's meaning and be sure to set it and its meaning as a 'seal' over your heart today.

Double Nickel

Check your 'Speed-O-Meter'.

It's in your car just over your steering wheel. It's the gauge that measures your travel rate...or in other FAST you are going! Your speedometer is supposedly to line up with the number posted on the SPEED LIMIT signs that dot highways, streets and interstate routes. When you extend the needle past the limit of law, (Speed Limits are not suggestions, you know) you risk a very real possibility of having a face to face with Mr. Law.

Mr. Law always extends the courtesy of announcing his determination to have a personal chat by flashing lights and a screaming siren, (looks and sounds much like the club you just left). You are invited to begin a personal conversation with Mr. Law by responding to the question; "Do you know why I just pulled you over?"

Internally you are conflicted. How can you appear innocent while fully aware that you are guilty as all get out? "Why no, Mr. Law...but I am glad that we have this chance to become friends! How's your wife and kids?" Anything to distract from the facts...but the real fact is that in just a few moments we will be signing off on a document of personal incrimination, AND...we get to have a copy as a souvenir! Joy of joys!

"The the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He walked in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden." Genesis 3:8

The first time I met Mr. Law personally I had been racing to Auburn University from Mobile, Alabama where I was a college student. I wanted to hurry to see my lady, (now my bride of 31 years) and was ticketed for going just a tad too fast. Mr. Law asked me if I could not read. After all, I had crested what he called the 'Double Nickel'...the Speed Limit of 55 miles per hour, which was posted all over Interstate 65 in plain view. I was embarrassed. I had been caught. I just wanted to hide.

God is not 'Mr. Law', but He has limits that are in our best interest to abide by. Those boundaries are actually gifts that provide for the fulfillment that every law breaker thinks is on the other side of disobedience. When our guilt is obvious, we run for cover, make excuses and even have the audacity to blame others for our actions, (Adam and Eve did that very well). We avoid God, even when He knows our condition and moves toward us with steps of loving reconciliation.

If in any area of your life you are exceeding 'Double Nickel' in your thoughts, attitudes and know it. Instead of avoiding the facts, receive the Forgiver who, in spite of the facts is offering terms of peace. He will sign the guilt document for you...He has done this with the ink of His blood.

"Where sin increased, grace increased all the more." Romans 5:20