Friday, September 11, 2009

'Never Forget'

The United States Navy will soon commission its newest warship.

It's name: 'New York'

It's motto: 'Never Forget'

What's interesting about our new Anti-Terrorism Expeditionary Strike Force Warship is that it's bow has been constructed with 75,000 tons of steel left from the ruins of the crumbled World Trade Center in New York City post 9-11. From the rubble of destruction arises a bulwark of sea splitting magnitude, set to defend American freedom and liberty from potential attack. From the epicenter of death, destruction and viciousness, an instrument of justice is elevated from twisted steel beams to set its course against enemies of the Union.

Junior Chavez, a steel worker on the north side of New Orleans is employed by Anite, Fowdry and Madina. This metal salvage company received the WTC wreckage with the order to melt it down and mold it to the needed form for the 'New York' bow. Tears of reflections flowed from the eyes of Chavez and his co-workers when the Ground Zero metal was lowered into the furnace. Those who had died needlessly would be honored by the construction of the 'New York' as a remembrance of lives lost yet not forgotten.

The shipyards of Northrop Gruman took over the construction project from AF & M to build the finest Warship in the Navy fleet. When Hurricane Katrina leveled New Orleans and much of the Gulf Coast, the shipyard workers remained faithful to their objective of building the 'New York'. Company President, Mike Pates said it best. "It's personal to all of us. As the city of New York has risen above the horror of 9-11, we can do no less than to stay the course believing that our city will be rebuilt as well.'

Its hard NOT to be fixated on the injustice of 9-11. Images of fellow Americans running the streets of NYC to escape the collapsing Towers of the World Trade Center are haunting. Screaming voices of the entrapped, surrounded by smoke and consuming fire are embedded in our national senses. The personal loss, the emotional drain, the spouse never to come home, the forever parent-less children...the calamity of 9-11 will be unending no matter the passage of years.

"I thought in my heart, 'God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every activity, a time for every deed." Ecclesiastes 3:17

There are many things that we should 'Never Forget'. We should never forget our fallen fellow citizens. We should never forget those who since have volunteered to enter Harm's Way to insure our security and lasting freedom. We should never forget that from the pit of ugliness, God will rise up as Just and have every person account for their life and how they lived it. There are situations, circumstances and people that we must leave to the justice of a Righteous God who will not permit sin to abound without His just retribution.

Today, as you reflect on the history of this specific date...fix your mind on things above, not upon the things of this earth. When you do, you will find peace (maybe not answers) and you can live with the assurance that God's patience is His gift to us to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.


8:46 AM

American Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. 87 violated passengers are killed instantly.

9:03 AM

United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower of the WTC in NYC. 59 innocent passengers perish.

9:37 AM

American Flight 77 strikes the Pentegon. 125 lives on the ground are lost. 59 terrorized passengers are murdered.

10:03 AM

United Airlines Flight 93 crashes near Shakesville, PA, having targeted the national Capital but foiled by the courageous actions of many aboard who will not go down without a fight. They fight. They go down. 40 are dead.

Turnstile counters leading into the World Trade Center reveal that nearly 17,000 people are already in the WTC complex when the first plane hits the North Tower. Over 14,000 have already occupied various offices and floors to begin their workday when the 9-11 Attacks begin.

When the body count from Ground Zero is combined with the death tools from the Pentagon, Shakesville and aboard each hijacked aircraft, 2,924 lives are lost to indescribable, senseless tragedy. Twenty four additional are listed as 'missing'. Many who forfeited their lives, did so with honorable intention, rushing onto buildings to rescue the entrapped. Scenes of gruesome reality on 09-11-01 are captured and transmitted to every American home and business and are broadcast around the world by numerous news agencies. Real time horror on global display.

"I saw the tears of the oppressed--and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors--and they have no comforter." Ecclesiastes 4:1

The wisest man who ever lived (with the exception of one Other), looked at the unexplainable injustices of life and murmured. Why? How could this happen? Who could think this action heroic? How do you sort this wreckage of live out? Where was God when depraved minds devised these strikes against the innocent and then carreid them out without human detection? Why did He not frustrate the plans of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and his accomplices who conjured up this devilish insanity?

Here is one thing that you know is true. In this life that God has let you live...someone is going to hurt you and to do it willingly and sometimes even by design. Not only do we share in this human reality, we also share the after effect...that we are fallible. The injustice of man levying out cruelty turns us to God in admission that we really do need Him. Tragedy strips us of unrelenting ego. Most of us cannot personally relate to the suffering of the innocent and victimized of 9-11 or their families, but we do know that we do not have the means to rise above our 'oppressors' apart from divine intervention.

The aftermath of 9-11 continues to strike deep into the hearts of those whose loss is immeasurable...and reminds us all that each of the 2,924 who perished from the earth will be vindicated by the justice of God on the day when He makes all things right and everything new.

I look forward to that day.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Thinker

'It's Marlon Brando from A Streetcar Named Desire!'

That is what one observer of Auguste Rodin's statue, The Thinker concluded after being amazed at the sculptor's artistry. Too bad Rodin completed the cast of the now infamous image in 1898, finished it in 1902 and began its display in 1904, long before Brando brandished his tight bluejeans.

Rodin was an Artist 'Wannabe' in his early years. Rejected time and again, he continued to work to improve upon his passion, the creation of worthy and meaningful artistry. When he was commissioned by the French government to create a portal to famed Museum of Decorative Art, he had indeed come of age. His work was more than was celebrated.

The Thinker is postured in a sober, meditative, seated position, completely nude. Rodin wanted to capture the powerful internal struggle of the soul in quest of the meaning of life and the reality of death. Most insist that this is Rodin's appreciation of the study of philosophy, but when you consider the fact that The Thinker was to introduce Dante's 'Gates of Hell' in the great museum, you may inject a deeper meaning that includes eternity and access to it.

"I wanted to see what was worthwhile for men to do under heaven during the few years of their lives." Ecclesiastes 2:3

The King who wrote this was an analyst himself. He devoted intentional and intensive thought to the meaning and purpose of life and had all the means at his disposal to make a well founded conclusion. He was surrounded by advisers, diplomats, academics, and members of the Think Tanks of his day. He also knew that present life was the gateway to future life. As he pondered, studied and considered what really mattered, Solomon concluded;

"For without him (God) who can eat or find enjoyment?" Ecclesiastes 2:25

Knowledge is cool. Collecting facts and recalling them proves you are smart. Making the most with your mind is never a bad thing, but a wise pursuit. Yet, knowledge cannot make you happy. Most times, knowledge can make you grumpy, cynical, sarcastic and arrogant!

Have a seat today. Do some thinking of your own. Consider how fast your life is moving and the direction that it is headed. Gather all the facts you can. Do your homework. Bone up your brain some. You may conclude that instead of demanding explanations from God that you would find fulfillment in embracing the promises of God instead.

Real 'smarts' keeps you outside the Gates of Hell when you become The Thinker.

Just a thought.

Brain Tease

MaMa Health has complied these interesting facts about the human brain:

* The brain uses 20% of your body's energy but contains only 2% of your body weight.
* Your brain is the size of a cantaloupe and is wrinkled like a walnut.
* Your cerebral cortex grows thicker as you use your brain.
* While awake, your brain generates 25 watts of power, enough to light your fridge.
* Your brain contains 1 billion neutrons, 16 times the number of the earth's population.
* Feeling brain fatigue? Jump start your brain by eating a cooked potato!

Researchers are not in agreement as to how well we use our brains. Some say that we use about 2% of our brain capacity, others insist that 10% is more accurate. Be different...use 50% this week and stun your boss!

Do you ever wonder how people could have such brain power and lack 'smarts'? New York City Schools did a study that revealed that student IQ scores increased dramatically when kids DID NOT eat from the school cafeteria! Yes, they changed the menu big time after those brain facts were released. You can change your diet and even exercise your brain intentionally to improve your intellect...and still be dumb as a rock!

"Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge." Ecclesiastes 1:16

A 'dummy' did not make this self appraisal. He pursued knowledge of every sort, from every corner of the earth and from every book he could get his hands on. He hung out with the professors and listened to the philosophers and took notes along the way. He mastered literature, science and the arts and made this conclusion:

"I learned that all of this is chasing after the wind." Ecclesiastes 1:17

What a bust! This incomparable king determined that the sum of human intellect could not fathom the mysteries of life, and that real discernment for life had its source in God. Read the rest of his Book and you will 'learn' firsthand his conclusions that led him beyond himself.

Maybe one of the reasons God has created humans with such brain complexity and capacity is to tease us toward Him.

Just a 'thought' to think on.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rose Gardens

Weeds grow in rose gardens.

I know that because the Foreman of the yard crew I worked on told me to go pull every one of them! I was a college kid, yanking weeds from Rose Garden soil at the State Capital Building in Montgomery, Alabama. I could think of much more glamorous work, more important stuff that I could be doing to change the world like those lawmakers inside, but I wound up digging in the dirt instead.

Have you ever tried to make the most of the least? Ever feel like 'nuthin' trying to become 'somethin'?

"Whatever you hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." Ecclesiastes 9:10

Are you creating something worthwhile with your life? Are you pouring yourself into becoming the greatest at what it is that you do every day? Tasks that we think have no merit or little value can be the very things that distinguish us in the eyes of others and elevate us to the places that God has destined for us in our work while upon the earth. The gut check reality is that we all we end up in the same place as your Christmas extension a box.

It doesn't matter if you work at the food processing plant or Corporate you best in the eyes of the Lord. Give to Him your finest efforts and take the paycheck as your 'bonus'! And yet, keep your balance. Remember that all your natural abilities do not guarantee success. Life is that unpredictable. That is God's way of keeping us humble and flexible...and looking to Him for ultimate approval.

Even in our labors, God invites us to recognize His sovereignty and absolute right to rule. After all...HE is God...and WE are not. Everyday tasks are blunt reminders of that undeniable fact. So, make the most of your day and do your best to complete your chore list. After all, your life is a rose garden of sorts. Use a bit of 'Weed B Gone' if need be!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Virtual Tattoo's

I have never had an Image Coach, but from time to time I think I could use one.

We may say that we care less about what others think of us, but we do. It matters to us how we are perceived, judged, evaluated, sized up and interpreted. If 'presentation' did not matter, we could care less what stores to shop, diners to frequent and theaters to enjoy and words to choose. The reputation of vacation destinations, paperback novels, news outlets and PEOPLE do matter to us. It's undeniable.

We leave 'marks' on people and lives, no question.

What goes deeper than what is obvious are the values (or lack of thereof) that we leave as imprints upon those we love deeply and those who we line up behind at check out at Wal Mart.

What 'impression'(s) are you making? Is it the one(s) that you REALLY want to make?

"You became imitators of became a model to others..." 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7

Think for a moment who it is that has left an impression on you and why. What did they do or say that impacted you deeply and formed the person that you now are? Do you 'like' the person that you have become? Should others need a personal trailblazer to go ahead of them to make a path that really leads to somewhere, could YOU be followed? Because someone will follow you, (your kids, your spouse, your co-workers and others), where are you leading them? What impressions are you making on them?

You can say that it makes no difference...but it does. It's a huge difference and YOU are the difference maker. You are the 'swing vote'. It's just a fact.

That's why it is good to have a Personal Coach, a Spiritual Mentor, a maturing God follower to impact your life and leave an impression that you can pass on to your kids rather than to leave them to the countless others who will weigh in on their hearts, values and choices through the tube, the iPod, the Internet, on Facebook, being 'tweeted' and live and in person.

Be careful what you say. Someone is listening. Be careful what you write. Someone is reading. Be careful what you value. Someone is watching. You are 'marking' others like a tattoo...impossible to 'un-mark' in many cases.

"Live according to the pattern we gave you." Philippians 3:17

Someone who is looking to you as a trustworthy and honored example. Leave a mark!

Crashing Symbols 2

Air Jordan's.

MJ is said to be the best ever according to National Basketball Association historians, sports reporters and countless fans. Back in the day, Air Jordan's were reputed to be the Nike version of the ultimate BB sneaker on the planet. Hey, for $200.00 a pair, you could 'play like Mike'!

Sure you could. Right.

The Swoosh Logo combined with a silhouette of MJ does not mean you got game. It just means that you got credit or cash and can lace up some hoop shoes. I have seen wannabes wearing the Swoosh AND an MJ jersey too, and the best 'game' they had was back at the house on their PS 2.

It's pretend.

"For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but for us who are being saved, it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18

There are some who do not get it. They just cannot comprehend the God of the Universe choosing to divest Himself of glory to become a man...a man destined to be humiliated like a dog and executed like a guilty criminal. The Cross is foolishness, even retarded for those who choose not to contemplate the meaning of what Jesus did on that stake.

The Cross becomes foolish to the already cynic when 'Cross-Bearers' behave badly, act dumb, speak 'stupidly' and treat as casual its priceless meaning. Have you ever felt that way as metallic crosses hang from chains around Rocker's necks while lyrics are screamed of reckless lifestyles of personal, relational and political destruction? There's something really strange about that picture...but it happens all the time, every Rockers and Rollers alike.

A jersey does not make you a stud. A mahogany desk does not make you an Executive. A title does not make you a leader. An sheep skin does not always make one smart. Baptism does not make you a Christian. Sitting in a pew does not make you a worshipper. Putting kittens in ovens does not make them muffins!

Symbols have meaning. Symbols illustrate substance. Symbols incite endearment, inspiration, loyalty and represent truth, fact and meaning. We empty symbols of meaning and erode their influence when make the symbol more than what God would ever intend for it to become to us. The symbol becomes an 'image' and that comes dangerously close to idolatry, a taboo of the first order according to The Book.

Remember the Cross today. Reflect upon its meaning. Consider what occurred on that Cross. The Cross is more than a fashion statement, or a common religious gesture. The Cross is a symbol of a sincere life change that God has provided that transforms your present and guarantees your future.

"God's grace through Jesus Christ has overflowed to the many!" Romans 5:15

Crashing Symbols

From the backdrop of the American Flag, General George Patton speaks of bravery and patriotism.

I could watch that movie classic intro a trillion times! I get juiced just listening to the call of courage while being reminded of the sacred liberty that is mine as represented by the American Flag. That is the power of a symbol. We all know it and feel the rush of life and loyalty that symbols bring to our memories and our emotions. The value of a meaningful symbol cannot be price matched.

"Place me like a seal over your heart." Song of Songs 8:6

In Scripture, a 'seal' was easily understood, recognized and respected. It was the 'signet', the 'sign' of possession. The 'seal' was the unique emblem of ownership. To Solomon's wife, the 'seal' represented her husband's lasting love and loyalty that was exclusive to her alone and never to be compromised. The 'seal' was public and left no secret to whom it belonged. The 'seal' was in practical terms, and this announcement of love and fidelity.

When you wear a wedding band...that is what your 'seal' communicates. You wear the emblem of belonging. To allow anyone other than your spouse into your heart shatters the meaning of what that gold symbol represents and your mate especially, and to your children, family and loads of others. That is the power of a symbol.

That is why God knows our need for visuals. Pictures create for us a means to understand and communicate indescribable realities. For the Christian, the symbol of the Cross is saturated with meaning. The Cross represents the place where atonement was provided. It is that single symbol that adorns church buildings, marks burial sites and even dangles from earlobes. To claim the Cross as a symbol of personal faith and then to empty it's influence by casual disobedience to God is dangerous...very dangerous.

"I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God." Exodus 20:5

When you belong to God, He is jealous over you because His 'seal' is set upon you. He refuses to share you with others who pretend to be 'God'. Would you agree to share your spouse with another? The answer is obvious...even to the point of ridiculousness!

Here's another question that you can ponder some today...

Are you jealous for God? If so, guard against emptying the Cross of it's meaning and be sure to set it and its meaning as a 'seal' over your heart today.

Double Nickel

Check your 'Speed-O-Meter'.

It's in your car just over your steering wheel. It's the gauge that measures your travel rate...or in other FAST you are going! Your speedometer is supposedly to line up with the number posted on the SPEED LIMIT signs that dot highways, streets and interstate routes. When you extend the needle past the limit of law, (Speed Limits are not suggestions, you know) you risk a very real possibility of having a face to face with Mr. Law.

Mr. Law always extends the courtesy of announcing his determination to have a personal chat by flashing lights and a screaming siren, (looks and sounds much like the club you just left). You are invited to begin a personal conversation with Mr. Law by responding to the question; "Do you know why I just pulled you over?"

Internally you are conflicted. How can you appear innocent while fully aware that you are guilty as all get out? "Why no, Mr. Law...but I am glad that we have this chance to become friends! How's your wife and kids?" Anything to distract from the facts...but the real fact is that in just a few moments we will be signing off on a document of personal incrimination, AND...we get to have a copy as a souvenir! Joy of joys!

"The the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He walked in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden." Genesis 3:8

The first time I met Mr. Law personally I had been racing to Auburn University from Mobile, Alabama where I was a college student. I wanted to hurry to see my lady, (now my bride of 31 years) and was ticketed for going just a tad too fast. Mr. Law asked me if I could not read. After all, I had crested what he called the 'Double Nickel'...the Speed Limit of 55 miles per hour, which was posted all over Interstate 65 in plain view. I was embarrassed. I had been caught. I just wanted to hide.

God is not 'Mr. Law', but He has limits that are in our best interest to abide by. Those boundaries are actually gifts that provide for the fulfillment that every law breaker thinks is on the other side of disobedience. When our guilt is obvious, we run for cover, make excuses and even have the audacity to blame others for our actions, (Adam and Eve did that very well). We avoid God, even when He knows our condition and moves toward us with steps of loving reconciliation.

If in any area of your life you are exceeding 'Double Nickel' in your thoughts, attitudes and know it. Instead of avoiding the facts, receive the Forgiver who, in spite of the facts is offering terms of peace. He will sign the guilt document for you...He has done this with the ink of His blood.

"Where sin increased, grace increased all the more." Romans 5:20

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dynamic Duo

In 30 seconds name as many as you can.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto (Western Heroes). Batman and Robin (Super Heroes). Lewis & Martin (Comedy Team). Seals and Croft (Songwriters, Musicians). Manning & Harrison (Quarterback, Receiver). Astaire and Rogers (Dancers). Lewis & Clark (Explorers). Mickey & Minnie (Notable Mice), Tom Hanks & 'Wilson', (Beach Buddies), Ebony and Ivory (Piano Keys).
Peanut Butter and Chocolate (Reese Cups). David and Jonathan, (a king's servant and a king's son).

I am sure that you can name more dynamic duos than I did in your 30 seconds, but there's my feeble attempt. The fact is that you really can't imagine one without the other, right? Where there is one, the other is absolute companion with. No wonder these are known as 'dynamic' because something extraordinary can happen when lives are combined and weaved together in loyal friendship and lasting connection.

"These are the names of the twelve apostles; first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James, son of Zebedee and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him." Matthew 10:2-4

Have you ever looked carefully as to how the Twelve are mentioned in the Scriptures? There are a couple of lists in the Gospels, and they are identical. Jesus seemed to have intentionally combined these twelve men into six teams of two. That begs the question; Did they stay that way? Did they become co-workers and fellow laborers or did they graduate to 'friends'? Well, one of the pairs was broken up for sure, but how about the others, and why did Jesus group these Twelve like this?

Together they shared experiences that would bond them together through time, adversity, persecution and even physical separation. Together they listened to Jesus as He taught. Together they talked of the deeper meaning of the spiritual stories that He told. They were present when He wept over the ruined and unrepentant lives of people. For three years they were bonded together and with Him from city to city, region to region, field to field and house to house. They had their disagreements and rivalries from time to time, but they always, always coalesced together.

When we are rightly related to God, it seems that He combines our lives to intersect with at least one other to share in the joy and sweat of accomplishing His purposes...and just for the fun of it! This is not always the case...for some. The life of John the Baptist in the desert seems more like their story, (John was not alone either...who do you think he went into the wilderness to hear from, enjoy and speak for?). Who has God combined your life with that also loves Him and is willing to be used for His purposes, and will encourage and cheer you on to do the same? Do you have a friend of the kind that these Twelve had with one another, making up a dynamic duo that achieves and enjoys far more together than apart?

Ask God to give you a friend of the 'disciple quality kind' if you don't have one already. Ask the Lord to give you a friend in Him that will urge you toward spiritual excellence and share the journey with you. Ask the Lord to guide you to someone that you can be you with. Someone that you can joke with, prank on and tease from time to time. Ask God to make you a joy to a specific someone in whom you can invest His life and yours.

Life is always better when it is shared together with a friend.

Ask these six pairs of two!

Beyond the SurFACE

The surf on the beach does not tell the whole story of the ocean.

White foamed crests that gingerly slap at your feet, back dropped by the sunset is a classic still shot ready to be posted on your online Snapfish Photo Gallery. No need to Photoshop or airbrush it. That is a picture that 'speaks a thousand words'...or does it?

Facts are that there is a churning beneath the beauty that stirs up sand, shells, crabs, jellyfish, seaweed, plank board and who knows what else! Shark or barracuda could be lurking beneath the glistening waves if you let yourself stop to think about it for a second! Stingrays could put a shock on you like a water taser on steroids! Riptides sweep away the unsuspecting as they frolic in saltwater! Even other people can quietly sneak up from your rearguard, disguised by the captivating, symphonic water sounds of the calm tide and dunk you like no body's business!

Think about that the next time you google at all inclusive beach vacations in Jamaica while watching the Beach Channel on HD in January!

Everybody knows that its what's 'beneath' the surface that counts. A house may have the Better Homes and Gardens Community Award, but it is the unseen foundation that makes the house livable. Your breath can be taken away by the brilliance of spring leaves, but it is the root system of the tree that assures nourishment and stability to every branch. There's more to an iceberg than what meets the eye! Give me a garden onion on my salad...and thanks for knocking off the dirt from the ground that you pulled it out of...

You tired of the superficial? You tired of being superficial?

"The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend." Exodus 33:11

Whatever was on God's face as He spoke to Moses reflected His heart. In whatever way that God drew near to Moses, there was no doubt that He revealed the depths of Himself to His servant. Here's the Moses was experiencing the depths of God, the rest of the people were outside watching for and waiting for their leader and friend. They were not experiencing what became the custom between God and Moses...real, personal and intimate relationship. That is how 'friends' are supposed to relate to one another...beyond the seen to the unseen, a special place reserved for the most well acquainted.

Do you know God in this kind of way? A 'friendship' way?

Our impressions of God are stymied by what we have seen, heard or experienced rather than deepened by taking off our own masks and looking into His face one on one. Jesus said that he would reject no one who would come to Him. The Apostle James urges us to 'draw near to God and He will draw near to you.' This is no small thing. This is not a trite invitation or promise. The experience of Moses' regular approach to God inspires you and I to desire more than what is obvious in our relating to Him.

No wonder that when one of the hardened soldiers who executed Jesus praised God saying:

"Surely this was a righteous man." Luke 23:47

How did the Sergeant know that?

He looked beyond the surFACE.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Have you ever seen anyone 'tip' their wig like a PGA Golfer strolling up the fairway to the 18th green at Augusta?

Oscar did.

Dr. Oscar Thompson was one of my professors when I landed for my first semester in Graduate School in Fort Worth, Texas in January of a long time ago. I had been told by more than a few in the Registration lines that to get any class taught by Oscar was a must. Being impressionable, I was impressed by what I heard and registered for the only class that had a few openings remaining. I had never met Dr. Thompson much less heard a lecture, but I looked forward to Monday afternoon at 12:00 for Day One with Oscar.

I had not been warned that my prop was suffering from cancer, so I was taken back when he walked into the packed classroom leaning on his cane and obviously wearing a toupee'. A hush overcame the room. He faced the class, 'tipped' his fake hair in a welcoming gesture, exposing his baldness for a brief second, and introduced himself. The class applauded...and a word had not yet dropped from his mouth! At that moment, I knew that I was in the presence of greatness.

"I am Oscar Thompson. I have cancer. I look like I am going to die any day, but I am not. God says that to honor parents is the guarantee of a long life...and I have done just I am intending on teaching this class through the end of the semester and perhaps a few others."

Then he said;, "The most important word in the English language is 'RELATIONSHIP'." That most important word never crossed my mind to that point in my then young life.

Words like, 'success', 'respect', 'love', 'popularity', 'money', 'position', 'religion' came to mind, but not 'RELATIONSHIP'. For the remainder of the semester, I learned from Dr. Thompson as we went through the pages of the Bible and proved the obvious. I missed the obvious, but I vowed never to miss it again!

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17

In a self-centered world system, the wonder of the Good News is that God communicates it relationally from Himself and through those who know Him personally. As a 'friend', and in spite of what 'dirt' He has on you, God chooses to love you anyway, and expresses His love in spite of rejection, insult and avoidance. The God of the Bible is like that.

"The son of Man came...a friend of publicans and sinners." Matthew 11:19

The challenge of friendship is that we start prioritizing relationships with others before being rightly related to Him. When you enjoy Him, you can 'tip' your wig without fear of exposing your own frailties. Without intending to, people will be drawn to you and to Him.

Oscar was right. 'RELATIONSHIP' is the most important word in the English language.

Performance Enhancers

Vitamin 'supplements' and fake eyelashes have lots in common.

Kinda like Rogaine and Noxzema wrinkle-free face cream.

Nothing wrong with wanting to keep your body healthy and to try to keep what you got, (like hair and smooth skin)...but these can be 'covers' to hide facts. If the truth be told about every detail of our lives...well, ask Yankee's slugger, A Rod, or a True could be 'outed', and admirers could turn on you like a flipped western omelet on a Denny's skillet!

Being vulnerable to every person is not wise. Wearing your emotions on your sleeve can repelling and repulsive to most. Saying everything that bounces around your head in a crowded conference room will be remembered when the email lunch invites can't be found in your workplace Inbox. You can't avoid relating to others, and you should avoid even attempting that! You were made for relationships by the creative genius of the God who loves you. You cannot build a meaningful relationship based on fraud. 'Impressions' are powerful when they are authentic.

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17

That is why God wants you to have at least one buddy. He has designed you with a craving to 'be real', and to be known deeply and accurately...baggage and all. You need to have someone who knows your dirty laundry and is not offended by the stink, but prompted to help you get to and through the cleaners! What a gift from God that He would send someone into your life that you could share your true self to with the perfect assurance that you would not be lessened or cheapened! Now that is a 'friend'!

Because we have a bent toward selfishness, we tend to count how many 'friends' we have on our Facebooks. What a mistake! Who in their right mind would share their innermost thoughts, fears, emotions, setbacks, failures, frustrations, hangups or addictions on the World Wide Web? Not surprisingly...many do! Why?

Because they long to be real to someone, somewhere.

You may be struggling with friendship at this very moment. You may be living in the days (or years) of a friendship deficit. Resist the temptation to become something you are not to impress people that you hope to meet. Do something different...become a friend to others as you wait for the friend you long for. Encourage the discouraged. Laugh at corny jokes. Open doors. Smile at 'strangers'. Be thoughtful. Do that 'act of kindness' thing. Be to others what you desire for yourself.

The Lord who made you will lavish you with His favor...and bless you with a friend who really will love you when the eyelashes are off and the hair is thinning....and for tougher times than those!

Monday, February 9, 2009


"Life is Good."

Just about a year ago the bride and I went on the hunt for a new washer and dryer. Over the years and through five children, our 20 year old mismatched set was in dire need of replacement. It's almost embarrassing to admit, but we were smitten by the front-loading washer dryer set produced by LG. On sale, and even then negotiable, touted quality, updated features, environmentally friendly, water miser and energy efficient, we made the deal....'Life is Good'.

That is if you have a warranty.

One day the dryer quit drying. Just two days later the washer leaked a pond. In a matter of days that stretched into a few weeks, repairman came and went believing that their skill had restored our hearts to LG song and dance. Bad turned into worse as the washer itself had to be just over a year. Had we not purchased the extended warranty, we would have been out of LG! When it came time to replace our useless infant LG washer, the wife and I were thinking 'Whirlpool' instead. We were assured that the design flaw that had scrapped our LG dreams had been corrected...and in came the new machine...extended warranty and all!

A few days later I received a call from my father. A suspicious shading on his lung had merited a biopsy that was scheduled for just a few days later. The kind of cancer that had been suspected would be fatal should it be confirmed by a specialist. Dad asked that I come home to be with Mom as the outcomes had the potential of being devastating. My brother and sister would also arrive from out of town as this diagnosis became prognosis. When the report came back conclusive that my Dad's cancer gave him a limited timetable upon this earth, my mind, heart and spirit raced through catalogues of memories, conversations and experiences shared with my Dad. Nights were sleepless. Days were anxious.

They still are.

"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise, you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways." Psalm 139:1-3

To think that the God of the Universe pays that close of attention to such minute details of our lives has brought me untold comfort and assurance. Nothing is outside of the scope of His watchfulness. His attention is yet another evidence of His absolute love for the people He has created. He knows us, and yet does not pry. He watches us, and yet is not a snoop. He studies us, looks beneath the superficial and knows us deeply. He knows every groaning. He is aware of every anxious fret. He is keyed in on every thought. He is zeroed in on every word. Who could possibly love me more than the God who pays such close attention to my life and yours?

In the midst of living...which will always include dying, (the entrance to real living!)...I am reflecting on the fact that God cares about my washer and dryer and is happy that we were smart enough to get the extended warranty. He knew we would need it before the combo set ever came off of the truck! He is reminding me that LG is real. Life is Good. Even in the midst of very real pain, uncertainty and separation from my life hero that may come as quickly as 9 months hence, I (and Dad) are really, really blessed. Because He knows our every step, He will walk with my Dad on this leg of the journey. He will not abandon the man whose every movement He is cued into and whose days and history He set into motion.

Even when life gets hard...

Life is Good. My Dad has an 'Extended Warranty' too. His Heavenly Father paid for it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

'Show Me' Trilogy

"An unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates

Have you noticed how much corruption results when people are left unchecked? I have to admit that I have become sort of desensitized to the daily reports of political offices up for sale, financial institutions bankrupting after first bleeding the folks whose funds they 'managed' penniless, and people harpooning one another just to get to a parking space at CVS!

If politicians were actually accountable, would there be broken campaign promises? If spouses were completely transparent, would there be divorce? If teenagers went to where they asked permission to go, would there be a need for GPS units tracking their whereabouts to their parents laptop? Can a society actually be governed apart from regulatory commissions? Would athletes keep from 'performance enhancers' if there were not random testing? Would you go home early on Friday if the boss was on vacation? Would you be more prudent on the computer if you knew the FBI would investigate your web browsing history?

We need accountability. Accountability is God's safeguard and road map. Accountability guards what we do, and guides what we should be doing. Accountability keeps us on task and directs our energies to what is really meaningful, valuable and profitable. When we take seriously that our lives on this earth and beyond this existence will be measured, that alone should keep us from frittering away time and taking seriously that God is watching when no one else is. He cares what you are doing. He is concerned for the choices that you are making. He is listening to the words you are speaking. He is aware of your every move. His attention to details, specifically the details of your life, is meticulous.

"Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment..." Hebrews 9:27

God is 'all knowing'. That is just one of His inexhaustible and indescribable attributes. As hard as that is to comprehend...He is 'in the know' about you...and in spite of what He knows, He makes invitation to you to bless you with His lasting joy and provision. Combined in all that God knows about you...He is fully aware of your needs...material, emotional, relational and no doubt, eternal. That is why, couched around the verse just mentioned are these just as important words of instruction, encouragement and comfort;

"He has appeared once for all, at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him." Hebrews 9:26-28

He readies us for the Big Day of accountability by removing the regrets caused by choices made, thoughts imagined and words carelessly or intentionally spoken. He knows that we are unprepared to stand before Him to be appraised, and so He makes the needed provision (forgiveness and salvation) for us because of His undeniable love...revealed through His dying for our living.

Keep that in mind the next time you feel the urgent need to blurt out insult or flip off the driver who just cut over into your lane of traffic. Keep in your mind and heart that although you struggle with sin, that He has atoned for it and offers you a life worth living and examining. Right now...thank God for regulating you! Praise Him for the parameters of His protection that He provides to keep you off the off ramps of life. Thank Him for superintending your minutes by calling your attention to the details, the results and the consequences of your choices.

Live as though your Final Exam were today. Be prepared to show Him what He already knows to be true about you. Let your readiness prompt anticipation and eagerness to appear before Him face to face. There need be no shame on that day...and there really can be great joy and reward as you enjoy the God who loves you through these days that lead to eternity with Him.

'Show Me' Sequel

"I need accountability. Really, everybody needs to be accountable."

A phone conversation of just this past Saturday afternoon yielded this obvious reminder as encouragements were exchanged. In this particular case, a job was at the heart of the dialogue. Being prompt. Being precise. Being productive. Being measured. All of these are components of most work relationships. There are expectations of being an employee from the employer, and they are usually reasonable and agreed to before for the first training session and certainly before the release of the first paycheck.

You have heard this statement that is normally attributed to Scripture; "God helps those who help themselves." A friend of mine in response to this human proverb responded; "Those who help themselves usually go to prison!" We chuckled, but there is truth in both statements really. Blessed is the person who is diligent and responsible. 'Un-blessed' is the person whose energy is devoted to taking what others have earned.

Does God really help those who help themselves? Does He have the right to inspect your life to determine if you are being accountable with strength He has provided you, the intellect He has invested in you, the personality that He created in you, the abilities that He has engineered in you...and the one and only life that He has authored in you? Isn't there something reasonable that He should be able to expect of you in return for His generosity toward you? Can He require anything of you or is He to accept what acknowledgements you may have time, want or memory to offer up?

"And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, the books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books." Revelation 20:12

Your life is being carefully monitored. Every detail of your thoughts and actions are being recorded for future reference. Evaluations are forthcoming and eternal. God has issued the forewarning of your face to face meeting with Him. You have an assigned schedule fixed and there will be no options as to whether or not you will be prompt. This is a meeting that can be absolutely joy filled or grief ridden. The whole of your life will be unveiled so that an honest appraisal of you can be accurate beyond question.

Some questions for the here and now as you prepare for the hereafter...

1. Did you exercise faith in Christ who gave Himself for you so that your sin would be covered by His grace?

2. Did your conversations with your spouse, kids, family, friends, neighbors, work associates, friends and sales clerks reflect your relationship with Him?

3. Was your attitude one of gratitude and grace toward others? Were you understanding, forgiving, and servant minded or were you annoyed with, complaining of and looking to 'get yours' in your relationship circles?

4. Did you live for the temporal, the immediate, the instant...gratifying self or were you sensitive to your 'passing through' and careful that you kept your eye on the eternal while living in the moment?

5. Did you take God more seriously than you did yourself? Were you accountable to Him for the one and only life that He gave you. Did you depend on Him to guide you, guard you, protect you and provide for you? Did you enjoy Him and thank Him for His generosity to you?

It really does matter that we live each day with a sense of future accountability. When we do, we can anticipate quite a reward for living wisely. "Really, everybody needs to be accountable."

The truth is...everyone will be.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

'Show Me' History

There is a reason that Missouri is known as the 'Show Me' State.

According to the Missouri Secretary of State's Office, the state slogan is 'unofficial', (so what if it the 'unofficial' slogan is on every Missouri license plate!) and its origins unconfirmed. If you need that in writing because you are a 'Show Me' kind of person, you can look in the Official Manual of the State of Missouri, 1979-1980, page 1486.

According to the 'Show Me' legend, U.S. Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver, who served in the House of Representatives from 1879-1903 was attending an 1899 Naval banquet in Philadelphia. In a speech there he declared, "I come from a sate that raises corn and cotton and cocklerburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces me nor satisfied me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me!" Although unconfirmed and unofficial, his speech popularized the saying for sure.

"Do not merely listen to the Word and deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22

Actions matter to God and they should matter to you.

What you DO makes a difference to God and to others. What you DO validates the worth of your proclamations, platitudes and promises. What you DO is the compelling factor that draws people to faith in Christ or a repelling reality that stymies faith of those in search of Him. One of the problems of listening to sermons and speeches is listen to sermons and speeches! Listening is the starting point, ("Faith comes by hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17), but it is not the ending point. Hearing is the launching point that leads to action...from a transformed heart that is applied in the venue of real your marriage, with your children, at the office, around your neighborhood...and in your church.

I have often wondered how the people of Israel could stand for the majority of the day listening to the Word of God (read the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah and you will be 'shown') without sitting! They stood the whole while as the Scripture was read, explained and applied in their hearing so that a specific outcome would result...they would DO what they heard! The did not have pews, theater seats or lawn chairs...God spoke to them...and off they went to their families, tribes, clans, villages, neighborhoods and houses. Why?

To DO something! There was a time to listen and there was a time to live! There was a time to absorb and then a time to be poured out. There was a time to learn and then came the time to apply. Be careful that you do not simply read the Word with the notion that all you have needed is now completed!

"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." James 2:26

You say you are a Christian? Prove it! DO something to validate your identity. 'Show' some credentials that substantiate your claim. Put your words in action. Get your belief out of a 'system' and into the mainstream! You say you are going to heaven? Prove it! Live a life worthy of the name of the Christ whose name you bear. You say you love God? Prove it! Engage in meeting needs and expressing His compassion, prompted by a true love for Him that is expressed in your school, on your street, in your city and beyond. You say you have 'faith'? Prove it! Take a walk on the wild side and trust God when everyone else in trusting in yet another government bailout.

Guess whose watching what you DO?

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from His sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account." Hebrews 4:13

I wonder who came up with that 'the proof is in the pudding' phrase. He must have been at that Naval banquet with Missouri Congressman Vandiver!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Next Steps

I read this quote from a man that I have not had a chance to meet personally;

"There is nothing in my life that God does not know and did not appoint."

I was fixed by that self statement. I read that one sentence once, and again, and again, several times over and considered its witness and meaning. What a concise way to say that between himself and God his Redeemer, there was no veil or secrecy or any event that He did not permit with the outcome to be His glory known.

We give God credit for the upswings but how about being downtrodden? We see His hand in the obvious blessings of favor, but can we say the same about the painful and the unpredictable? Can you actually live in such union with Christ that even the 'valley of the shadow' can be appreciated as His movement upon you rather than just another bummer event that you just have to live with? It is amazing to meet a person whose every step is as the Good Book says, 'ordered by the Lord'. It is even more amazing that a man would offer the witness that his every step was in sync with God's agenda for the whole of his followship to Christ.

"What you have just said is quite true." John 4:18

What happens if you get 'out of step'? What is the recourse for those whose lives are marred by mistake, regret and simply put...willful sin? In the context of these eight words, a woman whose lifestyle left her abused, alone and aloof from God was in the balance. She could admit the facts about her failures, or she could dodge the issue altogether. Jesus commended her honesty. From that time forward, she may well too could have said;

"There is nothing in my life that God does not know and did not appoint."

It is amazing what the next steps that you take after He initiates life change. This woman jumped the subway and was back in her hometown pronto to announce to those who may very well have despised her of the coming of the much anticipated Christ. How did she recognize Jesus as the Christ? He mentioned in part what she knew as being pretty much the whole of her life story. She would be different from that forward, (as would many others). She knew it. Jesus most certainly knew it! From that day, her ambition and perhaps reality was that her steps would also be 'ordered by the Lord'.

When life change occurs, life direction does too.

For Mike Blaylock, those 'steps' ordered by the Lord would take him into some interesting and formidable ministry venues. Just last week, this 53 year old Vice President of Campus Affairs for the University of Mobile died from colon cancer diagnosed just two years earlier. Prior to walking on campus a decade ago as his steps would take him, Mike served two amazing churches as a faithful staff member. He also was the Chaplain for the Kansas City Royals from 1975-1980. He was the featured speaker and singer at no less than three American League Championship series games and had been called upon by national speakers bureau's to inspire professional baseball and football teams as well as organizations and universities with his humor and intensely personal and practical gospel presentations.

After years of encouraging college students to excel and to offer their lives to Someone greater than themselves, this good humored, other centered, Christ loving servant of God took his next step into the eternity that has been carefully prepared for him.

"We no longer believe just because of what you have said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world." John 4:42

There are literally hundreds if not thousands who have been encouraged to Christ because this dear man saw each step as a divine appointment as God's herald. People and generations of people have been and will be impacted by the life of his testimony and the Living Word that has initiated such divine truth through so willing an ambassador. Many have and will hear and believe for themselves because of the faithful walk of Mike Blaylock.

I became intrigued by this man because I read his obituary on the campus website of the University of Mobile, the college I graduated from in 1979...long before Mike took his first step on campus. I became further intrigued when I read on that he was a Kansas City native and that his parents continue to make KC their home. From here, the Lord ordered Mike's steps to Mobile...and from Mobile, the Lord (in His time) has ordered my steps to KC. Our paths crossed and we never knew it!

Yours and my next steps may be in the very place that Mike knows firsthand as 'home'. One day someone may stumble over your obituary just as I did Mike's. I am so glad that he walked well so that others could be led to Christ by way of his footprints. Thank you Mike...I will do my best to leave the same obvious trail.

Bar Codes

Zip an item across the laser and up jumps the price on the touch screen at your local Wal Mart.

Does that not just amaze you? To me, that is the coolest of the cool. How does a machine know what it is that you have just bought and how to read those silly lines at the bottom of each item? Who thought that up? Who made that happen? What kind of brainiac came up with that thought to begin with? Imagine that person telling their best friend of their fixation with making shopping easier for the shopper, accounting easier for the accountant, the inventory count more accurate for the night stocker? What a conversation that would be!

"Hey man, I've got this idea."

"What is it?"

"Well, I am thinking about how to take a common store item and tabulate the cost electronically so that people can get what they need while being spared long lines."

"How you gonna do that?"

"I have this schematic diagram I have been working on for the last 8 months of an electronic check out counter that can scan, read, identify and calculate each item and its cost. I also think I can provide a diversified payment option that can include cash, credit or direct bank debit."

"You're joking, right?"

"I think I have about got it ready for presentation. All I need is another investor. I have a presentation ready for an Executive Manager for Wal Mart that I have scheduled next week in Arkansas. Want to be partners?"

"You're joking, right?"

Wonder how many people lost the chance to strike it rich with a bar code reading 'cash register'? You know that they have to be kicking themselves over and over...especially when they are in the check out line at their local Wal Mart! Who would have thought machines could read code? Today, automated systems do that and much, much more.

'He did not need man's testimony about man, for He knew what was in a man." John 2:25

Jesus cleared out the Temple of those whose hearts He could read like a bar code cash register. He even withheld Himself from clarifying with absolute certainty that He was indeed the very Son of God to those whose skepticism could not be satisfied even with the most obvious of miraculous identifiers. He intentionally kept what was obvious for some hidden to others. Why? Because He did not need to hear words to read hearts. Inward motives could not be covered by outward appeals. Hidden agenda's, secret unbelief and smile covered attitudes could not be kept from Jesus. "He knew what was in a man."

"He would not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men." John 2:24

Jesus was careful to whom He gave Himself. He did not reveal everything to everyone every time that He had opportunity. At times He would even pull His disciples away from the crowds to privately review, explain and instruct them. Jesus knew the sincere heart. He knew the readied heart. He knew the faithful heart, the expectant heart, the hungering heart and the waiting heart. Jesus knew full well the broken hearted. He had no problem seeing straight through the hard of heart, the resistant heart and the indulgent heart.

It is a good thing to invite Jesus to inspect your heart. Pass by and offer to Him your open heart and see what happens next! Could you imagine all the wonder, the blessing, and the satisfying joys that He would lavish upon you as one of the upright of heart? Search the Scriptures and you will see person after person to whom He entrusted Himself because He could read their hearts just as routinely as you scan the bar code of your next box of cereal at Wal Mart. It did not matter to Jesus if a person wore a priestly robe or was covered in long as they did not attempt to disguise their inner person. The sincere of heart before Jesus are candidates for untold blessing and life change.

He knows your heart. Do you know His?

House Cleaning


You may recognize these initials. You may even use them from time to time. You may have this condition. Clinically speaking, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is when you are seemingly controlled by the urge to do something...over and over...without provocation or even cause. It is an inner want to DO something that after having accomplished it, a flood of relief washes away anxiety that to that point has held you as its hostage.

For me...I like things clean. I like order. My OCD is hereditary! I inherited it from my mother! This is especially true for cluttered kitchen counter tops, unmade beds, out of order couch cushions and important stuff like that. I prefer to have my shirts light to medium starched as heavy starch causes unwanted wrinkles. When I cut my grass, the tread marks of my lawnmower must leave straight impressions on the sod. The lawn just looks better that way!

I drive my family nuts. Its not that they are not all for order and being tidy, its just that they are not controlled by those kinds of impulses as I am. They can keep those urges in check a lot better than I could ever hope to. When I leave town on business for a couple of days, its like Independence Day at the house. My kids actually brag to me that they purposely did not make their beds during those brief days of liberty!

Do you like a 'clean house'?

"Zeal for your house will consume me." John 2:17

The context for this Scriptural quotation applied to the Jesus is what we know to be the 'Cleansing of the Temple'.

"Get out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market." John 2:16

During the most holy of all Jewish Festivals, the Passover, Jesus launches His public ministry evicting those who had defiled the appointed place of worship, the temple, with their greed laden self-centered agenda's. Such included and permitted extortion of sincere worshippers. What made matters even worse was the obvious lack of regard for the very place where God and man were to meet in restored intimate fellowship and communion depicted in the very observance of the Passover itself! You could say that Jesus really 'cracked the whip'...and you would be exactly right! That is how fierce His love and devotion were to His Father and for those who sought to worship Him as the One and Only.

Jesus 'cleaned house'!

As followers of Jesus, we know that our bodies are now His 'temple', (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). We are the place where His living presence dwells. He cares deeply that He be honored as Lord and Christ with use of every muscle, each word from our lips, every thought that catches our focus. If we are not careful, our 'temples' can become just as polluted as the very place where you would have thought sin would have limited or no influence that Jesus had such zeal for. Do you think that He has less holy passion for you and the use of your 'temple' as He did for the building that had been abused by unholy profiteers?

Think again.

I am not saying that Jesus had OCD...but I do think that it is always wise to keep your 'house in order'. If He 'cleans your house', take that as an indicator that His passion for you is nothing less than at fever pitch and that anything that lacks order in honoring your Heavenly Father will not be tolerated for long.