Thursday, July 30, 2009

Virtual Tattoo's

I have never had an Image Coach, but from time to time I think I could use one.

We may say that we care less about what others think of us, but we do. It matters to us how we are perceived, judged, evaluated, sized up and interpreted. If 'presentation' did not matter, we could care less what stores to shop, diners to frequent and theaters to enjoy and words to choose. The reputation of vacation destinations, paperback novels, news outlets and PEOPLE do matter to us. It's undeniable.

We leave 'marks' on people and lives, no question.

What goes deeper than what is obvious are the values (or lack of thereof) that we leave as imprints upon those we love deeply and those who we line up behind at check out at Wal Mart.

What 'impression'(s) are you making? Is it the one(s) that you REALLY want to make?

"You became imitators of became a model to others..." 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7

Think for a moment who it is that has left an impression on you and why. What did they do or say that impacted you deeply and formed the person that you now are? Do you 'like' the person that you have become? Should others need a personal trailblazer to go ahead of them to make a path that really leads to somewhere, could YOU be followed? Because someone will follow you, (your kids, your spouse, your co-workers and others), where are you leading them? What impressions are you making on them?

You can say that it makes no difference...but it does. It's a huge difference and YOU are the difference maker. You are the 'swing vote'. It's just a fact.

That's why it is good to have a Personal Coach, a Spiritual Mentor, a maturing God follower to impact your life and leave an impression that you can pass on to your kids rather than to leave them to the countless others who will weigh in on their hearts, values and choices through the tube, the iPod, the Internet, on Facebook, being 'tweeted' and live and in person.

Be careful what you say. Someone is listening. Be careful what you write. Someone is reading. Be careful what you value. Someone is watching. You are 'marking' others like a tattoo...impossible to 'un-mark' in many cases.

"Live according to the pattern we gave you." Philippians 3:17

Someone who is looking to you as a trustworthy and honored example. Leave a mark!

1 comment:

David Weber said...

Hey Dad, thanks for the blog. I enjoy reading your stuff and wanted you to know that I am starting back up again.