Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Thinker

'It's Marlon Brando from A Streetcar Named Desire!'

That is what one observer of Auguste Rodin's statue, The Thinker concluded after being amazed at the sculptor's artistry. Too bad Rodin completed the cast of the now infamous image in 1898, finished it in 1902 and began its display in 1904, long before Brando brandished his tight bluejeans.

Rodin was an Artist 'Wannabe' in his early years. Rejected time and again, he continued to work to improve upon his passion, the creation of worthy and meaningful artistry. When he was commissioned by the French government to create a portal to famed Museum of Decorative Art, he had indeed come of age. His work was more than was celebrated.

The Thinker is postured in a sober, meditative, seated position, completely nude. Rodin wanted to capture the powerful internal struggle of the soul in quest of the meaning of life and the reality of death. Most insist that this is Rodin's appreciation of the study of philosophy, but when you consider the fact that The Thinker was to introduce Dante's 'Gates of Hell' in the great museum, you may inject a deeper meaning that includes eternity and access to it.

"I wanted to see what was worthwhile for men to do under heaven during the few years of their lives." Ecclesiastes 2:3

The King who wrote this was an analyst himself. He devoted intentional and intensive thought to the meaning and purpose of life and had all the means at his disposal to make a well founded conclusion. He was surrounded by advisers, diplomats, academics, and members of the Think Tanks of his day. He also knew that present life was the gateway to future life. As he pondered, studied and considered what really mattered, Solomon concluded;

"For without him (God) who can eat or find enjoyment?" Ecclesiastes 2:25

Knowledge is cool. Collecting facts and recalling them proves you are smart. Making the most with your mind is never a bad thing, but a wise pursuit. Yet, knowledge cannot make you happy. Most times, knowledge can make you grumpy, cynical, sarcastic and arrogant!

Have a seat today. Do some thinking of your own. Consider how fast your life is moving and the direction that it is headed. Gather all the facts you can. Do your homework. Bone up your brain some. You may conclude that instead of demanding explanations from God that you would find fulfillment in embracing the promises of God instead.

Real 'smarts' keeps you outside the Gates of Hell when you become The Thinker.

Just a thought.

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