Friday, November 21, 2008

The Nose on Your Face

Can anything be more obvious than the nose on your face?

I think so.

During a speaking engagement many years ago, I was impressed by the impression I was having on my listeners. I found out when I sat down after my presentation that my zipper was 'down doobie doo down down'. The realization that the past 30 minutes had been more of a comedy routine than a mind bender became quite obvious to me when I returned to my seat on that platform. I had more than a broken fly. I had a bruised ego. Two very obvious realities!

Some people live in constant pursuit of attention. They want to be noticed. They want to be valued. They want to be talked to and heard. They want to be touched and hugged. They want to be backslapped and high fived. Everybody responds to 'attaboys'! They want to matter to somebody, somewhere, sometime. No one wants to be ignored. No one wants to be passed over. The choices we make, the fashions we choose, the places we frequent, the crowd we hang with, the speeches we make..and so much more scream out to the inattentive..."Here I am. Please notice! Choose me! Listen to me!"

I am not a social scientist, but I think that I have picked up on this human trait by: 1. Being human. 2. Watching and listening. I can see you shaking your head in the affirmative as you review this truth as obvious as the nose on your face.

Do you think God appreciates attention directed His way? Do you suppose that it matters to Him when He is slighted, ignored and passed over? Why would God even desire attention? What would be the point for Him to make us gawk with wonder? Would it be to get a kudo or two from the impressed, or to draw attention to something much deeper? When something stunning grabs our attention, we may then consider the awesomeness of God...but there are evidences of His kindness that daily beckon for your second and third look.

"He has not left Himself without a testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." Acts 14:17

In others attention people! Look around notice a few things! Let these realities stir you to appreciate Creator God who is taking the extra step...initiating a relationship with Him that is real, personal and practical. If you have doubts that God is real, just look at your table at dinner time. If you struggle to think that He is real, watch the rain as it falls and listen to the wind that whips through the trees during the storm that quenches the earth. You cannot escape the absolute truth that God has given hard evidence of His presence and involvement in YOUR life if you just pay attention a bit more through the routines and rhythms of your day.

The Apostle Paul makes this appeal to a throng of people who have been startled by God's grace toward a miserably crippled man gives strength to his legs, enlarges his heart, deepens his faith, saves his soul and grabs the attention of an entire city. WHY? Why the miracle? Several reasons...but chew on this one thing...they had ignored the obvious. Each day God was screaming for their attention, making obvious overtures of His love and provision...and they missed it. Because they missed the obvious, they were in grave danger of missing the essential. They needed...and longed for soul care. We all do.

Today, pay attention. Look around and you will see the obvious. Make a list of all the ways and means through which a Loving God has been faithful to you, sustained you, cared for you, amazed you, blessed you and revealed Himself to you. Don't blame Him for what others have done as an excuse for not paying Him the attention that He deserves.

Start with the nose on your face.

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