Thursday, December 18, 2008

Putting on the Polish

My father taught me how to polish my shoes when I was just a runt.

To this day, I take the laces out, rub the polish on just right, wait a few minutes, and buff those Bostonians until they shine like nobody's business. Dad taught me how to put the shine on my shoes. The Marines taught my sons how to do the same!

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life." Philippians 2:14-15

Want to be trendy? Want to make a fashion statement? Want to stand out a bit? Thinking about being 'different'?

Here's your chance.

Compliment, don't complain.

One of the personalized car tags that many Christians could aptly display on their ride is 'Critical'. Maybe 'Judgmental'. 'Mean' might fit some. 'Harsh' could work for many. Some believers justify their attitude under the guise of 'righteousness', but in fact, they have a point to make at the expense of someone who is 'deserving'. Even their outlook on life itself is muddied with complaint. Life is not a blessed journey, it is drudgery that leads to eternity...and let's get there in a hurry!

If there was ever a time or an opportunity for Christians to make a bold statement of the character of God, it is in these days of great uncertainty, job loss, war and global conflict. People need encouragement in the midst of the obvious losses that are being incurred by households, families, corporations and governments. That is not to say that tough times are not tough. That is not to say that losses are not real, jobs are not hard to find, and that holiday gift exchanges will not be severely is to say that in the midst of the present realities...there is Hope.

God communicates His hope through His people...people who suffer as do all the rest. People who hurt as are many. People who endure with absolute confidence that God is Who He says He is and this is our chance to pay closer attention to Him. He is offering grace and perspective that ascends beyond the temporal (although important...he knows that) to the ultimate. When in spite of insecurity, your life pronounces confidence, a message of His operations shine with a radiance that confounds...and brightens the way for others to journey into His presence.

Travel at the speed of light, (186,000 miles per second) at midnight on January 1, 2009 and you would pass Pluto and her sister moon in 5 hours and 31 minutes...still on January 1, 2009. You would be 3.5 billion miles to the outer limits of our solar system. Travel 5 additional years, and on April 19 you would reach Alpha Centuris A, the nearest star to our solar system some 25 trillion miles away and you would still be just beginning. You are still in the 'universe' amazing fact that stuns even the simple minded like me. In the midst of so many miles and light years, 'stars' shine brightly through the backdrop of darkened space.

You are nearer than that to your spouse and kids! You are much closer than that in your office, work space, classroom or dorm to others within your spheres of daily influence. YOU have the chance...the 'shine like a star in the universe' as you smile, speak, bless, encourage, compliment, stand up for, express care to and compassion on those who are suffering and many who are embittered because of their past or current life circumstances. That is the brilliance of your relationship with God. That is the power of His influence through you today if you so choose.

You can wear the tattered shoe or you can lay some shine on the tattered shoe! Choose the polish and walk in the light and with The Light.

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