Thursday, December 18, 2008

Customer Service

How would you like being a customer service rep? The faint of heart need not apply for that undertaking.

Imagine being responsible to ease the frustration of a discontented client. You are the front line trouble shooter for the cable company whose service is being complained about...caller after caller. You field complaints for outages, missed appointments, faulty equipment, billing discrepancies, unqualified field techs and the lack of speed of your high speed connectivity...and the list goes on and on and the frustration goes up and up.

After 8 hours of offering comfort, assurance, remedy and problem solving, you take off the headset and gladly jump into your car to rest up in readiness for the avalanche of calls awaiting you the next day. Do you suppose that earfuls of daily gripes could jaundice your spirit and erode your hope to be nice to the cat once you step through the kitchen door? How could you possibly keep your attitude in check after being unjustly yelled at day after day?

Complaining for many is a way of life. That's just how they operate. They have a gripe about just about everything and everyone and every circumstance. There is no 'bright side' for them. There is no sense of hope. Relief is deserved and far removed. Their life stinks. Their marriage is awful. Their kids are dopes. Their health is in the pits. They have had too many birthdays. Their neighborhood is going to the dogs. Their co-workers are dummies. The weather is either too hot or too cold. They even point out that the Santa at the Mall is a 'fake'...they can tell by the beard or the less than plump tummy on the Toy Maker. They live in the Land of Complaint and they take 'Merry' out of Christmas every December.

AND...they really cast a long, dark shadow on those who are forced to relate to them and have no choice but to keep the 'headset' on continually.

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life." Philippians 2:14-15

Can you imagine a true to life oxymoron more devastating than a complaining Christian?

God says that a complaint ridden believer is lacking some, purity, faultlessness and intimacy with Him as Heavenly Father. Rather than standing out in stunning brilliance that reflects the nature and character of God and His grace in a world marred by disappointment, conflict, reversal, brokenness, selfishness and more...the complainer injures the message of the Good News through which redemption, hope and new life are broadcast from God Himself.

So, be careful today to pay attention to the silver lining God provides with most dark clouds. In the midst of threat, insult or stresses, determine that you so value your walk with God and your witness in this world that you will 'shine' where most choose to be extinguished.

You may be more of a Customer Service Rep than you think! Remember Who you 'Rep' for.

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