Monday, March 28, 2011


"There is a time to be born and a time to die."  Ecclesiastes 3:2

 Sorrow.  Joy.  Sorrow.  Joy to come.

On one morning I am speaking tribute to Mary Dunning, my mother-in-law, whose body is about to be laid to rest while her spirit has already been united with Christ.  The very next day, I rejoice in the safe arrival of grandson, Jake Robert, who is waiting to meet his grandmother and I within days of his great grandmother's funeral and burial.  A mother rejoices.  A daughter grieves.  "There is a time..."

While enjoying Jake Robert in St. Louis, I receive word of a tragic loss of an adult son as his shocked parents begin to navigate through their heartbreak.  As I pat newborn Jake on his back, I cannot but imagine the thoughts of these two precious parents, re-tracing their history of loving their dear son for these many, but all too brief years.  I hold Jake close to my heart and without so much as a word exchanged, I love this new Weber even more.  Time is too short...I have to read to Gavin, (my 2 year old grandson, Jake's brother) before the wife and I make our journey back to Alabama from Missouri in just a few days.

There is a lot to be said about life.  It is precious.  It is fleeting.  It is confounding and confusing.  Life is fun, but it sure can be tough.  If I bank everything on THIS life, then I will be overcome with sorrow.  If I mix eternity in, then I gain perspective on this life while I anticipate the life to come...without fear, and one day free, completely, absolutely free from the grip of sorrow.  Maybe that is what the Apostle meant when he said; "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."  (Philippians 1:21). 

I do not see how anyone can really live apart from God.  Life is too demanding, complex, unfair, and confusing for that, to me, anyway.  Life is too startling, amazing, awe-inducing and complex to ignore the obvious ingenuity of Majestic God.  I can't help but to be drawn to Him for these reasons and myriads of others for that matter. 

Thank you, Father for creating Mary Dunning.  I will miss her until I am reunited with her.  Thank you for creating Jake Robert.  I will try to make every opportunity I have with him count., and to point Him toward You with my attitude, actions and words. Thank you for the joy You promise to those who know you.  I am banking on this pledge from you today...and probably tomorrow too;

"Weeping may last for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."  Psalm 30:5

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