Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Don't Talk to Cats

Dogs listen. Cats could care less what you have to say.

That's why dogs have a way of comforting and cats have a way of irritating. When I call the family dog with the "Let's go outside!"' he streaks to the door. The cat looks as if I just dissed him when I make the exact same offer to him.

Maybe it's just me, but I think our pooch is quite sensitive. He can tell when I am happy. I swear that he can sure tell when I am uneasy, stressed or just plain sad. Coco (Mama named him cause he is a bichon frise and looks like a girly dog)is to us what comfort food is midnight snack lover. He knows when to put the puppy eyes on and make you forget what troubles you. When the feline puts the cat eyes on me, that's NEVER a good thing!

Jesus said; "Blessed are the peacemakers"(Matthew 5:9). Life sometimes has its agitations and agitators. To be numbered among those who are passageways through troubled waters for those in the midst of tough times is a high compliment coming from the ultimate Peacemaker. Folks who have the ability and the want to calm when emotional, relational or financial storms are swirling all around, are at a premium. This kind of person, like a thoughtful bichon, are a rare breed.

Being a peacemaker is really about character, not about diplomacy. Experiencing peace should be pre-requisite for those attempting to engineer peace for people whose stomachs are being twisted into knots by circumstantial anxiety or relational agony. "Peace" is one of nine spiritually induced character qualities that is the result of a life that is being transformed by the God of the Bible. Peace is not cowardice, but it is a settled, confident rest that is the outcome of a life enjoying the Lordship of Jesus.

Are you embattled? You can experience real peace personally. You can initiate lasting peace relationally. You can grow in peace intentionally. Learn more at Go to the 40 Day Personal Growth Plan and take steps to experience the life you've always wanted in 2012.

Talk to your dog. He gets you. The cat? Don't waste your time.

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