Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Begging Off Begging

You have seen them off exit ramps and in busy intersections.

The poor. The homeless. The impoverished. The sign wielding street person stoically waiting for the kind of heart to drop some coin or cash in their outstretched palm or cup. Their best friend is the red light that halts the flow of traffic providing them with opportunity to be the object of a stranger's compassion.

When you see them, what do you do? Do you pray that the light stays green, hoping to avoid yet another 'guilt trip' as you turn toward the Quick Trip? Do you speed through the yellow light, narrowly escaping the dread of obligation? Do you slow down and reach for your wallet? Do you pray blessing upon the destitute while soberly and gratefully considering how good the Life has been to you?

Jesus said the society would forever be involved with addressing material poverty, (Matthew 26:11, Mark 14:7) and coming to the aid of the helpless. Their plight illustrated a greater need that every person must humbly admit to.

How would you like to be 'helpless'? How would you navigate through the emotional torrents of perpetual dependency upon the favor of others to sustain you? Think of the continual heartache of daily begging as your only option for staying alive. Can you picture anything quite as pitiful?

"Now a man crippled from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money...he was expecting to get something from them." (Acts 3:3-4)

Keep reading through this Acts account and you will see that he really did 'get something' from them! No coin, cash or bling...hope, healing and joy instead! By the obvious power of Redeemer Jesus through the ministry of the Holy Spirit working mightily in these apostles, this lame beggar, familiar to all who entered through the most celebrated Gate leading to the Temple was surprisingly 'walking, jumping and praising God'. This one man experienced the favor of God that money, or even the generosity of others could never secure for him. That is the beginning of this account of the supernatural activity of God...starting with the beggar and including the crowds that witnessed and now were hearing about how Jesus moves to all who cry out in their spiritual bankruptcy.

Jesus once said that 'the poor of spirit' would be most blessed with their inclusion to the 'Kingdom of God', (Matthew 5:3). In other words, the recognition of spiritual bankruptcy was the pre-requisite for real hope, lasting change and union with the heart of God. Only those who admit their desperate need for 'divine intervention', confessing their complete inability to suffice apart from God's extended grace qualify for His lavish provision. In other words, we are all spiritual 'beggars'. It is the all inclusive Club Humanity whose membership has no dues. Membership is universal and affordable as all are spiritually destitute...until there is a reaching out to the One Who gladly offers you inclusion into His royal family. The elevation upward begins with the humble cry of the downcast.

Can you imagine the shame of embarrassment that this poor man was subject to EVERY day? How many jeered at him, scorned him or simply ignored him as he waited by the 'Beautiful' gate for what he had no hope of providing for himself? His condition changed...dramatically...even beyond his expectations when he looked in the direction of admitted and empowered Christ followers.

People become God's powerful instruments of redemption after they have have been lifted from the ranks of the spiritually impoverished. Peter and John both would illustrate that for us. They too had been lifted from the shame of their spiritual bankruptcy and were anxious to 'share the wealth'.

Who took you 'by the hand' and raised you up to meet the Lord in deliverance and joy? Thank God for them and be everlasting grateful that you were not ignored when you were spiritually hopeless.

Before you walk past people who are famished for a lasting touch from God, remember you once 'begged' too. Get in the game. Determine to make a difference in the lives of those around you. Decide that you will walk across the room for a change, directly to someone in need...with the power of the Spirit upon you, raise them up to know Him...

...and smile as the 'beggar' becomes a 'dancer'!

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