Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Five years ago today, American history was being written.

Whether you agree with with the War in Iraq or not is a debate for another time. All I know is that five years ago today, the Ground War was launched into Iraq with the objective of protecting American lives from future attack. We were living in a Post 9-11 World, where potential threats were being addressed pro-actively by our elected governmental officials.

Our Marine son, Samuel was advancing swiftly with his comrades into enemy territory as the 'tip of the sword'. As parents, we were aware of Sam's presence on the border and now on the field of battle. With nervous anxiousness, his mother and I stayed glued to as many network and cable outlets as possible to try to be current with the any updated news of the offensive. We could not and would not shake lose of any opportunity to pray for, think about and stay focused on our young and courageous son. We imagined Sam and many other young men geared up and making their way into combat...and with each passing moment, our parental hearts beat in worried unison.

Many surrounded us with encouragement, assuring us of their intercessions in Sam's behalf. Others, in quietness, offered looks of comfort, hugs of hope and heartfelt compassion in those trying moments...moments that turned into days and into weeks before we heard of Sam's report of safety although heavily engaged in battle.

I do not remember many times through the course of my life that I trembled. In this case, I became so emotionally invested, that I was absolutely drained day in and day out. I knew that Sam had to be under such demand of continual readiness and engagement, that he certainly was living through sleepless days and nights in enemy territory, under constant attack or involved in battle. I wondered if his supply lines reached him, (the Marines moved faster than their supply lines could keep up)with water and food. I wondered if he was injured or wounded...or worse. Charlette and I trembled together for a long stretch of days without word of or from our son, Samuel.

When Sam returned home physically safe from his first tour, (he would later return to Iraq and be fully engaged in the gruesome battle of Fallujah), grandparents, aunts, friends and those in our church joined us, and his brothers and sister in welcoming home our Hero, (he does not like that description in the least). My first glimpse of Sam before his stepping into his was in Blue Springs. I was so geeked up to see my boy that I could feel what seemed to be electrical impulses literally running up and down my body. His mother got the first long awaited embrace, (deservedly so) as I watched her tearful but joyful reunion with our son. That picture is sealed into my memory...certainly one of the most joyful in my lifetime.

"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...these are the beginnings of birth pangs." Mark 13:7-8

I heard just today that every American generation has experienced the reality of war. I thought about it some and think that may indeed be true. Yet, it sees to me that there is a climbing escalation of hostility between nations, that now has become very personal to us Weber's. Sam was the first of our three older sons to volunteer to serve our country as members of the Armed Forces. Not only has their courage and patriotism amazed me, but my sensitivity to this prophetic promise of Jesus the Christ has made me much more astute as to the reality of the coming again of the Prince of Peace.

When He returns, He will set everything right. Injustices will be addressed without debate and in perfect resolve to His will and for His glory. Earthly powers and armies will oppose Him, but be no challenge to the establishment of His right to reclaim and to rule upon the earth and in every yielded heart. The 'real' enemy will be defeated and rendered eternally void of any wicked influence as his fate is sealed by the divine justice of Messiah. Then, and only then, will there be 'Peace on earth and goodwill toward men' as voiced by the angelic visitors dispatched at His first coming.

I realized something as I read through this passage of Jesus who was in the very midst of His Passion Week...there will be a generation that will be completely delivered from threat when He comes again. I do look forward to being in that generation...I do.

Until then, thank you Sam...thank you for placing yourself in the cross hairs so that your Mother and I, your brothers and sister, your grandparents and relatives could have assurance of peace and security. Thank you for your heroism, that in combination with many of your fellow warriors, provided for and continues to provide for our safety here in our homeland. Thank you for putting your life on hold, so that the rest of us could get on with our living under the protection you made possible. I cannot express the depth of my pride in you, (not just as a defender of freedom, but as a man on the grow). Words are simply inadequate. I cannot put enough heart behind the words, "I love you, son"...but I will keep trying...for the rest of my days on this side of eternity.

I want to live my life more worthily because of you, contributing as much as I can to make Christ known through as many means possible. I want to cherish your mother even more, love your siblings even more, care for my church even more...and love my Lord even more because of the opportunity that you and many, many brave men have fought to make possible. I do not want to waste your sacrifice at all, Sam.

Five years ago...only five years ago...

I wonder what our lives will be five years from now, son. Let's make the most of the gifts of time, faith and family as we possibly can.

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