Friday, March 28, 2008


Ever been in a place where you really did not want to be?

It is possible to be duped or suckered or to be the brunt of someone else's intentions. It is possible to be slammed into a situation that you did not create and that you want nothing to do with.

In our family...I am the one who gets duped. It is through me that the Weber Nation sits back and smiles after I have been craftily situated in a no win scenario. Once at Disney World I was held by the hand in line for what was promised to be a non-rotating ride. In other words, me and fast action, high speed revolving circular motions are just not a pleasant combination. Believing my innocent children and loving wife about this 'joy ride' was a huge mistake! Once I was buckled in, I knew that I was another step closer to heaven than I first imagined. I did meet the needs of my family's yearning for entertainment, though. I suppose that was the upside while I was upside down!

I have danced with German polka dancers at Epcot! I did not volunteer. I thought I was being hugged by my bride during our Fun Day when instead her wrapped arm kept me from detecting her finger pointing at me as 'volunteers' were escorted to the stage. That is the very same technique that she used when Marilyn Monroe sang 'Happy Birthday' to me in Branson. It wasn't even my birthday! You won't even believe what happened to me at a Christmas White Elephant Party when I opened the taser. It was not the heckler at the University of Florida who first screamed out, "Don't tase me, bro!" He stole that line from me.

Ever been where you did not intend to be, positioned in a circumstance that you did not create and that if you could, you would avoid at all costs? We all have. Some are humorous...others are dangerous.

"Do you want me to release the King of the Jews?" John 18:39

Pilate was in a awful place, and it was serious beyond serious. An accused man stood before him, condemned already by the fierce and growing crowd who demanded that he be put to death. His crime? Admitting who He was. He was the Son of God. He validated that through the miracles that pointed people to the grace of the Father. He spoke that when in His teaching, a sanctified authority captivated the hearts and the souls of each listener. He affirmed His Kingship by exercising authority in commanding unclean spirits to leave those they had tormented and kept in bondage. This Decision Maker, Pilate...a man of authority as well holds the life of the Savior in the balance...or does he?

"You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above." John 19:11

All history has been postured for this moment. In perfect sync has the Creator God timed the Lamb for the ultimate sacrifice for sin. It is Passover, and the altar of heaven is about to receive the cleansing blood of the pure and undefiled Lamb of God. Pilate was in a juxtaposition like never before. In all of of dealings with Rome, he had been able to position himself with the favor of the Empire despite his under the table craftiness. He had been able to secure his rulership through favors granted in back room agreements, brokered by the selfish of which he was a member. Now he was negotiating for the life of the Innocent. He was not going to pull this one off...the crowd, the threats, the calling into question national loyalty, were all coming down on him as he looked at the Lamb of God, adorned with a Crown of Thorns and robed in purple.

Pilate did what many of us do when we are in a position where we do not want to assume guilt and there is no where to wiggle. He washed his hands.

The Jews would understand that act. They were all over the keeping of the Law and the ceremonial cleansing required of the orthodox. Outward washing apart from inward cleansing is only a hopeful act. His bowl, basin and water did not exonerate him from the guilt of signing the death warrant on Christ.

Before we become observers only, remind yourself of the many times that you faced the Son of God and instead bowed to the appeals of the throng shouting Him down. Remember the times when you could acknowledge His Kingship, and yet divorced yourself from the truth of your own uncleanness that would grant Him access to the throne of your heart. Think through the moments when you were forced to deal with choice...maybe even one that you did not instigate, but there you were, He and you...and still you handed Him over.

Here's the rub. Jesus puts you in the position of choice. You can attempt to self-vindicate, or you can humbly admit the plight of your heart condition.

"When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid." John 19:8

More afraid of what? He had come face to face with the Son of God. He looked directly into His eyes of compassion and resolve. He offered to exchange another for the life of the Innocent. He was afraid for good reason. Washing of the hands could not remove the stain of his regrettable decision. Commentators have said that Pilate went into exile in his ladder days, rubbing his hands as he did on the day that he feigned blamelessness. He exited this life, unprepared for the next.

Don't live conflicted. Certainly, don't die that way. All the outward posturing will not remove the reality of inner need, deep in the heart and the soul for His permanent and lasting cleansing.

You may not always be where you would want to be or chose to be. Don't let that be an excuse for keeping you where you need to be.


David Weber said...

"You may not always be where you would want to be or chose to be. Don't let that be an excuse for keeping **from??**you where you need to be."

I am starting to read blogs now, yours is going to be one of the first. I hope that you get the flame back for writing more and won't be discouraged by any lack of feed-back. Even if only one person takes the time to read it, there is no loss. If a day comes when no one needs reads it, you will still have written them. Like a public journal which will always help you gather your thoughts.

For instance, I had forgot that I had a blogspot. Completely forgot about it. I went back and read my only two posts and seeing where I was and where I am now has been a huge encouragement. Mostly because I was the one who wrote it, there was no outside influence. It was just me. I hope that you continue to write personally, not only for you to be able to look back on where you once were, but that I might be able to as well.

Also, your insights are inspiring. What you write gives food the now just as much as it reminds of the past and has "faith for the future." A true blessing indeed.

Pastor Bob said...


I have started back and I wanted you to know.

You bless me! I want to read your bogs too.