Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One and Done

Science both amazes me and baffles me.

I am stunned at the sheer complexity of life. Matter, calculations, physics, physiology, biology, astronomy, energy and geography are just a few subjects that are so far beyond me that the word 'Nobel' will never be associated with my name!

People both amaze me and baffle me.

I am stunned at the sheer complexity of people. Personalities, body types, skin tones, attitudes, aptitudes, perspectives, beliefs, experiences and abilities are so diverse that I am as overwhelmed as a Cat Rancher herding felines!

Religion both amazes me and baffles me.

I am stunned over the obvious spiritual needs of people that are pragmatically satisfied through pluralism, secularism, (this is a religion), mysticism, spiritualism, paganism, pantheism, deism as well as through the Seven Major Religions of the World, (some are expanding that list now that we live in the Age of 'Tolerism' a word that I have coined as a reminder of extended kindness without debate in our culture of acceptance).

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." John 11:25

Science says that resurrection is impossible because it does not fall under the research criteria of being duplicated in order to be verified. It is interesting though that in the Bible, Jesus resurrected THREE different people, of different ages, in different locations, affirming His power over death, (Luke 7:11-17, Luke 8:49-56, John 11:38-44)even before His own resurrection!

In this one statement, Jesus transcends all scientific rationale and human attempts to angle one toward acceptance and knowledge of God. He has done what no one has ever done...He laid down His life as the perfect sacrifice for sinners who are under the bondage of guilt and regret. If there is one thing that science can verify because of duplication...it is the reality of sin! If there is one thing that religion attempts to address, it is that there is really a personal desire and need for God.

Jesus said, 'I am the Resurrection'. This is emphatic. This is singular. He is the only means through which grace can be applied to the guilty, and new life both now and forevermore can be assured to those who know Him in His resurrection reality.

If you are looking for 'life' (and we all are), and dreading death, (most of us do), read and re-read this assurance of Jesus as your Life Giver. He is the only 'One' who can give you Life. Dissecting the complexities of life does not fully explain Him, (they can reveal His wonder for sure!). Pursuing Him in hopes of gaining His favor through religious activity and expression will leave you tired and hopelessly frustrated. If you are ready to get out of your 'tomb', the place where you are walled around by darkness and fear, trapped in spite of what you know and what religion you have practiced...

He is the only One who has offered His life so that you can have a life.

He is the only One who has come back to life, post-burial to insure your victory through Him over death and into Eternal Life.

"You were called to one hope when you were called. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." Ephesians 4:5-6

In all this searching and researching for meaning, purpose and real and lasting life; it comes down to One. The only One.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish (die) but have eternal life." John 3:16

He is the One. Now you are 'done' searching any further!

Grace really is amazing! What Christ has done in expressing the Father's heart for you is incomprehensible! Now, try to take that in!

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