Friday, March 28, 2008

Facing the Sunrise

Have you ever been consumed with anticipation?

Spring Training is almost over and real Major League Baseball is about to bust out all over the country. Normally, it is not too hard to get a ticket to a KC Royals game, (our hometown team has been in a rebuilding mode since the early 90's), but try to land a seat on Opening Day and you can just about forget it! On Opening Day the 'K' is maxed to the upper deck with powder blue gear from caps to jerseys as the Good Guys take the field for the start of another season of a hopeful run to the World Series.

I've been there for Opening Day several times, and I can tell you, its electric at the 'K' as anticipation builds for the first pitch of the first inning of the first game!

Charlette and I were newly married while I was attending grad school in Fort Worth, Texas. 'Home' was back in central and south Alabama, a good 14 hour drive. When Christmas Break rolled around, our car was packed the day before and as soon as we could, we jumped in that old B210 Datsun and headed back 'home' to see our folks and family. We were so thrilled about making it back that we began our trek in the late afternoon and drove straight through the night through Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Being greeted by the morning sun cresting the horizon made our nightlong journey worth the sleeplessness...were were just about 'home'.

"I am coming to you." John 17:11

"I am coming to you now." John 17:13

Jesus prayed to His Father these words in anticipation of His return back to the 'home' of His glory. The intimate love shared between the Loving Father and the Obedient Son was intense and eternal...

"You loved me before the creation of the world." John 17:24

Jesus was about to return to Father, and He looked forward to the reunion. But, He had some unfinished business that was yet to be finalized before His homecoming. He was about to slog it through an ultimate darkness for which He had come into the world. He was about to fulfill His mission on the nearside before He was to arrive 'home' on the far side.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the Cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the Father." Hebrews 12:2

Jesus did not enjoy the Cross in the least. He endured it. He did what had to be done in securing the redemption that only His perfect sacrifice could provide for all people through all time. He became a curse so that we could share in His glory;

"I have given them the glory that you gave me." John 17:22

Jesus travailed through a night of ghastly anticipation. Blood sweat dotted His forehead as He readied to face the darkest hours ever registered in the chronicles of time. He volunteered Himself to endure a night of angry assault, physical abuse and ceaseless torture. As He was suspended between heaven and earth, nailed to the post of execution, the midday sky became as black as night from high noon to 3:00 PM as the Father turned His holy face from His suffering Son, now laden with the guilt of our sin.

"I am coming to you now."

Jesus endured the darkness because He was looking past it. He endured the shame as shame itself became the object of His scorn. He fulfilled the Father's assignment completely when He willingly gave up His spirit, crying out; "It is finished". He did all of this for the sake of our souls and our eternities. He did this for the joy of completing His mission, returning back to His Father...and presenting us before The Almighty as the exonerated. Jesus always anticipated the Cross. Every move He made led to Place of the Skull...and beyond...way beyond.

Today, keep this in mind as you walk through your 'darkness'. Determine that you will release your agenda to the will of the Father, looking past the valley of the shadow to the place where you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Face the sunrise and never turn your head!

As much as Charlette and I could not wait until we were met by parents at the door of the 'homes' we knew, we now wait at the door for our own children when we know they are about to come up the driveway! Today, one is at sea. Another in Kansas. Another in Oklahoma. Another in south Missouri. Another in central Kansas City. Our hearts are loaded with great joy when they make the long trek 'home'. We dote over them as we absolutely and intensely love each of the 'Fab Five'.

Your Heavenly Father delights over you! If you have strayed...come 'home'. If you are enjoying Him, look forward to being forever in the place secured for you by the Son who faced the darkness and now sits at the right hand of the Father anticipating your arrival...'home'.

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