Thursday, February 4, 2010

Man vs Food

Adam Richman is a monster.  This guy could do a 'reverse Jonah' and EAT the whale before the whale swallowed him! 

Just last night at the Don Shula Steakhouse in Miami, Richman devoured a 48 oz. steak during a live televised broadcast of  Man vs Food...just to get us spirited for this weekend's Super Bowl and the crowning of another NFL Champion.  Make no mistake, Richman has rightfully earned the Gold Medal of Speedy Consumption for red meat and more as the host of Man vs Food.  In just EIGHT MINUTES the Champ ground down 24 ounces of premium steak and 7 plus minutes ahead of the deadline, Adam was literally knawing at the bone.  Adam possesses what all men envy...a stomach of steel!

You may not know that Adam is a man of cuisine.  Although a proud New Yorker, he graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, majoring in International Studies.  As a student, Richman traveled through the southeast, documenting stand out food establishments as he had grown accustomed to doing while growing up in the culinary mosaic city of New York.  He just loves food...all kinds of food!  From pitas to pulled pork, from sandwiches to sushi, Adam eats it all.

Have you ever been hungry?  Hungry for 'something more'.  So hungry that menu options really didn't matter and so hungry that fighting through the urge to munch seemed second nature?

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled."  Matthew 5:6

The human appetite is confusing at times.  It can really get in the way of living with laser focus.  Consumption is an extraordinary drive that is not easily nor willfully disciplined.  Indulgence of appetite can lead to total destruction and absolute ruin.  Ask any recovering drunk or the one trying to forget the foolishness of one night of casual sex.  Unbridled appetite is about "Man vs Self".  Now there's a battle royal!

How about putting down the fork for just a few hours to seek the fulfillment of a divine craving that yearns to be satisfied?  How about denying your tastebuds in exchange for a 'blessed-ness' that is longer lasting than a BLT at lunch?  On my journey, I am asking God to re-focus my focus.  Want to join in?  Visit and browse through the Awakening 21 page for more info for some spiritual menu options that can draw you into the heart of the God who loves you.

Adam loves food, but he appreciates exercise too.  After every Man vs Food challenge, you can find him on the treadmill for at least an hour, not to mention the doubling up regiment of his daily workout routine.  In the midst eating sides of beef just for the fun of it, he knows that his own appetite, left to itself, will cost him dearly.

Still hungry? 


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