Sunday, February 21, 2010

Army Strong

Working it out is so worth it...

At least it is to those in the military promo's for the National Guard, the Army and the Marine Corps.  When I watch those media ads, I have to confess that if I were a young man, I might enlist!  Talk about the challenge, the demands, the skill, brawn and intellect of these amazing warriors...WOW!

About 6 years ago the wife and I took an afternoon retreat on a cold winter afternoon.  One of our sons was in Boot Camp at that very moment in Camp Pendleton, CA.  He was in the midst of 13 weeks of absolute grinding it out.  Our hearts were consumed with concern for him, not just about the challenges of Boot Camp, but for the impending assignment that awaited him as a foot soldier in the Marine Corps.  War was about to break out in the Middle East, and he was in the first class that would graduate to see action in the ground campaign to overthrow a dictator and a known enemy of the USA.

About to take our first hit on the butter pop, images flashed on the wide screen backed up by the musical cadence of victory of would be Marines scaling the most impossible rock cliffs to ascend to the summit of becoming one of the 'Few Good Men'.  Our arms intertwined and locked.  Our hands tightened to a clasp as we realized that our 2nd born was in the thick of scaling that mountain...his brother soon to follow.  We looked at each other...together we cried quietly, the screen becoming a blur.

"I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood on their feet--a vast army."  Ezekiel 37:10 

Over dead and dried bones, (these illustrate the spiritual death of those who had once known and worshiped the God of the Bible), God Himself breathed life into His own people and raised up a bunch of sissy's, right?   No, He raised up His people to become what they had forgotten to be...a spiritually fit fighting force, baptized with holy courage and ready to do business with the enemies that had ravaged and stolen His real life from them. 

Are you tiring of the constant 'beat downs' that you are taking?  Have you settled for a life of defeat, unhappiness, compromise and become no more than a rattling, dried up femur bone?  Do you really believe that is what your Creator made you to become and to experience?  You know better than that.   If His life was spoken to you and it's message could raise you up from Death Valley to become 'Army Strong', tell me you wouldn't be willing to climb some cliffs for that assurance.

Check out  Join us for some spiritually inspired 'Boot Camp' training that is designed to breathe real life into the dried up and once gallant spirit that only He can make happen in you.

Get 'strong'.  There are some things worth fighting for...

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